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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A history of purulent nasal discharge may be obtained in headaches resulting from sinus disease.
▪ Coryza may be acrid and purulent or a bloody discharge.
▪ Ear infections with a purulent discharge, itching and noises in the ears; eustachian catarrh.
▪ Ear infections with a bloody, purulent, cheesy smelling discharge and sticking pains.
▪ Necropsy reveals a severely inflamed mucosa studded with yellowish-green purulent nodules.
▪ There may be a purulent discharge too.
▪ This showed a conical hard object lodged firmly in her right intermediate bronchus, granular tissue, and purulent secretions.
▪ Weeping is as much a disease entity as any purulent discharge.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Purulent \Pu"ru*lent\, a. [L. purulentus, fr. pus, puris, pus, matter: cf. F. purulent. See Pus.] (Med.) Consisting of pus, or matter; partaking of the nature of pus; attended with suppuration; as, purulent inflammation.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Middle French purulent and directly from Latin purulentus "full of pus," from pus (genitive puris) "pus" (see pus). Related: Purulence.


a. (context medicine English) Consisting of pus, or matter; partaking of the nature of pus; attended with suppuration; as, purulent inflammation.


adj. having undergone infection; "a purulent wound" [syn: infected, pussy, putrid]

Usage examples of "purulent".

He died of a purulent diarrhea, all his intestines and peritoneum being in a suppurating condition.

Vaginal and uterine leucorrhea are essentially different in character, the former being an acid, and the latter an alkaline secretion, and, while the first is a creamy, purulent fluid, the latter is thick and ropy, like the white of an egg.

It may be simple or associated with purulent leucorrhea and hemorrhage.

A soldier, fifteen years before his marriage, lost his left eye from purulent ophthalmia, and his two sons were microphthalmic on the same side.

Initial proctitis and the inevit4ble purulent discharge -- which may pass unnoticed in the shuRe -- is followed by stricture of the rectum requiring intervention of an apple corer or its surgical equivalent, lest the unfortunate patient be reduced to fart and shit in his teeth giving rise to stubborn cases of halitosis and unpopularity with all sexes, ages and conditions of homo sapiens.

Every particle of muscle and fat about their limbs and bodies had apparently wasted away, leaving the skin clinging close to the bone of the face, arms, hands, ribs and thighs--everywhere except the feet and legs, where it was swollen tense and transparent, distended with gallons of purulent matter.

The tonsils become enlarged and exude a whitish purulent substance and the glands of the throat may become tender and swollen.

But come and look at my suppurating five-year-old amputation, my re-opening once-healthy wounds, my purulent gums, imposthumes, low fevers, livid extravasations.

Dying landpussies -- aerobic octopi, customised for low-gee harvesting -- hung like purulent fruit from the mycotic trees, their skins strobing through silvery-green panic hues as they died.

Denny's leg wound had failed to heal and was now inflamed and purulent, as was the cut into his saphenous vein.