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n. (plural of pursuer English)

Usage examples of "pursuers".

And the pursuers, feeling that the race was close, opened with a rattling volley.

The pursuers had rested for a time at this point in the trail, well wearied by the labors of that day, as they might have reason to be.

Against his natural instincts Hal began to hope that they might have eluded their pursuers, that they might reach the mountains that loomed ever closer and taller without being further molested.

Hal glanced up from his task and saw that the pursuers had crossed the meadow and were already starting up the slope towards them.

There was another joyous cry from below, like the halloo of the fox hunter, and they saw their pursuers strung out over a mile or more of the track.

Now they were approaching their pursuers at an oblique angle, and the gap between them narrowed even faster.

Below them their pursuers had been given new heart by this reverse in their fortunes and were clamouring like a pack of hounds with the smell of the chase hot in their nostrils.

The pursuers, though still close, were out of sight around the buttress.

Aboli had made certain of his first shot, and the pursuers would be thrown back in disarray.

In the gathering darkness Hal and Aboli struggled upwards, turning when the pursuers pressed them too closely to take them on with their blades and drive them back just far enough to give them respite to go on upwards.

There was no sound or trace of their pursuers, not a last despairing cry or dying moan, not a shred of cloth or discarded weapon.

One showed a great stag, standing at bay among misty hills, facing its unseen pursuers with a stubborn grandeur.

A rising sense of urgency battled the pain he felt, as he sensed his pursuers closing in.

For an instant panic threatened to rise up and overwhelm him as images of him hanging helpless in the grate while his pursuers raced to seize him played vividly in his imagination.

There were enough gaps of relative silence as they moved along that he could pick out his pursuers from amongst those who passed in the other direction.