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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Purple \Pur"ple\, n.; pl. Purples. [OE. purpre, pourpre, OF. purpre, porpre, pourpre, F. pourpre, L. purpura purple fish, purple dye, fr. Gr. ? the purple fish, a shell from the purple dye was obtained, purple dye; cf. ? dark (said of the sea), purple, ? to grow dark (said of the sea), to be troubled; perh. akin to L. furere to rage, E. fury: cf. AS. purpure. Cf. Porphyry, Purpure.]

  1. A color formed by, or resembling that formed by, a combination of the primary colors red and blue.

    Arraying with reflected purple and gold The clouds that on his western throne attend. -- Milton.

    Note: The ancient words which are translated purple are supposed to have been used for the color we call crimson. In the gradations of color as defined in art, purple is a mixture of red and blue. When red predominates it is called violet, and when blue predominates, hyacinth.

  2. Cloth dyed a purple color, or a garment of such color; especially, a purple robe, worn as an emblem of rank or authority; specifically, the purple rode or mantle worn by Roman emperors as the emblem of imperial dignity; as, to put on the imperial purple.

    Thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and purple, and scarlet.
    --Ex. xxvi. 1.

  3. Hence: Imperial sovereignty; royal rank, dignity, or favor; loosely and colloquially, any exalted station; great wealth. ``He was born in the purple.''

  4. A cardinalate. See Cardinal.

  5. (Zo["o]l.) Any species of large butterflies, usually marked with purple or blue, of the genus Basilarchia (formerly Limenitis) as, the banded purple ( Basilarchia arthemis). See Illust. under Ursula.

  6. (Zo["o]l.) Any shell of the genus Purpura.

  7. pl.(Med.) See Purpura.

  8. pl. A disease of wheat. Same as Earcockle.

    Note: Purple is sometimes used in composition, esp. with participles forming words of obvious signification; as, purple-colored, purple-hued, purple-stained, purple-tinged, purple-tinted, and the like.

    French purple. (Chem.) Same as Cudbear.

    Purple of Cassius. See Cassius.

    Purple of mollusca (Zo["o]l.), a coloring matter derived from certain mollusks, which dyes wool, etc., of a purple or crimson color, and is supposed to be the substance of the famous Tyrian dye. It is obtained from Ianthina, and from several species of Purpura, and Murex.

    To be born in the purple, to be of princely birth; to be highborn.


n. 1 (plural of purple English) (shades of the colour) 2 swine fever or hog cholera 3 ear cockle

Usage examples of "purples".

The juvenile Purples were largely made up of children of recently immigrated Eastern European Jews, law abiding and hardworking families fleeing centuries of religious and cultural persecution in Europe.

The first was when the newly formed Purples aligned themselves with the older Oakland Sugar House Gang.

He would distance himself from the Purples in later years as the result of his success in legitimate business.

By the mid-twenties both Joe and Ray, as well as many other Purples, were spending as much time working their own individual rackets as they did with the Oakland Sugar House business.

The Medusae, you know, first promised to conquer our System for the Purples, just for a shipload of iron.

They marked the sites of battles between his faction and that of Rhigaerd, between the Reds and the Purples, between those who served the rightful ruler and those who followed a pretender to the throne.

When the Purples were crushed, then perhaps the old crown would be fetched from the vaults.

Once the Purples were crushed utterly, those nobles who survived would come crawling back for his approval and forgiveness.

He had designed that dreadful thing from scraps of information the exiles of Callisto had got from the creatures of the Runaway Star, while the Purples under Eric were in alliance with them.

But if life among the Naked Purples had any virtue, it was that the experience prepared you to cope with anything.

The Purples drenched themselves in anger, anger for its own sake, absurdity as an art and a political policy, the overturning of any and all existing forms.

Naked Purples and a mob of former convicts living cheek by jowl inside a former maximum security prison was a sure formula for confrontation.

The Purples swiftly demonstrated their talent for survival and control, and the situation settled down a bit.

The Purples worked very hard to convince themselves that work was useless.

The Final Clanners, the Naked Purples and the other culture rads took to the streets.