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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Purl \Purl\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Purled; p. pr. & vb. n. Purling.] [Cf. Sw. porla, and E. pur to murmur as a cat.]

  1. To run swiftly round, as a small stream flowing among stones or other obstructions; to eddy; also, to make a murmuring sound, as water does in running over or through obstructions.

    Swift o'er the rolling pebbles, down the hills, Louder and louder purl the falling rills.

  2. [Perh. fr. F. perler to pearl, to bead. See Pearl, v. & n.] To rise in circles, ripples, or undulations; to curl; to mantle.

    thin winding breath which purled up to the sky.


Purling \Purl"ing\, n. [See 3d Purl.] The motion of a small stream running among obstructions; also, the murmur it makes in so doing.

  1. That purls; rippling, eddying. n. the motion of a small stream among obstructions; flowing with a murmuring sound v

  2. (present participle of purl English)

  1. redirect knitting#Knit (or plain) and purl stitches


Usage examples of "purling".

Member 8 states that he invited a man named Junius Purling to become Member 9.

Weston explained that Purling was the traveling representative of a safe manufacturer.

Inspector Cardona has located Junius Purling, Member 9 of the Green Hoods.

Therefore, the murderer slew Purling, and went to the meeting afterward.

I shall find the culprit who was mutually acquainted with Purling and myself.

It contained lists of persons with whom Junius Purling had been acquainted.

Given only a few minutes to live, Junius Purling could hardly have begun a detailed message.

Moreover, the pencil point had broken when Purling pressed it against a spot just to the right of the letter E.

The police believed that Purling had been murdered by Member 10 of the Green Hoods, a man whose identity was known to Purling alone.

What, then, would be more likely than an attempt by Purling, in his death throes, to reveal the name that would eventually be wanted?

Green Hoods - namely, Wenz - had murdered another - Purling - to cover his tracks when it came to the major stroke of crime.

That master crook had eliminated two human links in the chain - Purling and Wenz - blaming the death of one upon the other.

Neither Purling nor Wenz had been at the meeting of the Green Hoods, two nights ago.

Doubtless, that was the reason why Wenz had been chosen by Purling to join a society of crime detectors.

In the cases of the telephone memo, the cigar band, the monogrammed coin, The Shadow would have left those clues with the bodies of Breer and Purling, had he had time to examine them on those occasions.