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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Purlieu \Pur"lieu\, n. [Corrupted (by influence of lieu place) fr. OF. pural['e]e, poral['e]e (equiv. to LL. perambulatio a survey of boundaries, originally, a going through); por (L. pro, confused, however, with L. per through) + al['e]e. See Pro-, and Alley.] [Written also pourlieu.]

  1. Originally, the ground near a royal forest, which, having been unlawfully added to the forest, was afterwards severed from it, and disafforested so as to remit to the former owners their rights.

    Then as a tiger, who by chance hath spied In some purlieu two gentle fawns at play.

  2. Hence, the outer portion of any place; an adjacent district; environs; neighborhood. ``The purlieus of St. James.''

    brokers had been incessantly plying for custom in the purlieus of the court.


n. 1 (context historical English) The ground on the edges of a forest, especially when partly subject to the same forest laws concerning game hunting etc. 2 The outskirts of any place; an adjacent district; the environs or neighborhood.


Purlieu is a term used of the outlying parts of a place or district. It was a term of the old Forest law, and meant, as defined by John Manwood, Treatise of the Lawes of the Forest (1598, 4th ed. 1717), The owner of freelands in the purlieu to the yearly value of forty shillings was known as a purlieu-man or purley-man. The benefits of disafforestation accrued only to the owner of the lands. There seems no doubt that purlieu or purley represents the Anglo- French pourallé lieu (old French pouraler, puraler, to go through Latin perambulare), a legal term meaning properly a perambulation to determine the boundaries of a manor, parish, or similar region.

The word survives in placenames. Examples include Dibden Purlieu in Hampshire, on the border of the New Forest and Bedford Purlieus, once part of Rockingham Forest.

Usage examples of "purlieu".

Denzil was a briefless barrister, who so far departed from the traditions of his brethren of the long robe as not to dwell within the purlieus of the Temple.

Around it, in the episcopal purlieus and on the margin of the parvis, lodged the prelates and the canons.

It was, quite literally, a swamp, for much of the land beyond Canal Street was undrained, and in fact many of the drains from the more respectable purlieus of American business farther down the road, though aimed at the turning basin of the canal not far away, petered out here.

Hail to your purlieus, All ye highfliers of the feathered race, Swallows and curlews!

I become that the cab was outside the house for which I was bound ere I realized that we had quitted the purlieus of Wapping.

Thou canst show him the way also, in case he requires thy guidance, though thou mayst have observed it is wonderful how familiar he already seems to be with the purlieus of our camp.

All the arts learned in the prisons and purlieus of New York were put into exercise.

She turned aside in avoidance of this, only to plunge into the purlieus of Chinatown, whence only she emerged, panic-stricken and out of breath, after a half hour of never-to-be-forgotten terrors, and at a time when it had grown quite dark.

Thence to the land of the Immutables to leave the messages entrusted to me by Himaggery, and thence on the Great North Road in company with Silkhands, traveling to the Dragon’s Fire purlieu.

Out in the purlieus, though, many things happen which we do not hear of in the towns.

I knew they were after caviar, the black pearls of the Gathered Waters, famous all over the purlieus of the South, so they say.

When I had come from Bannerwell to the Bright Demesne after the battle, it had been across the purlieus rather than by the long road.

Well, the Guest House of Vorbold’s is as secure a place as exists in all the purlieus and demesnes.

Pay me, as you’d pay anyone, and I’ll seek Peter Priss to the end of the lands and purlieus for you.

Of their plans to raise up the hundred thousand from their long sleep and bring them all to the purlieus of Lake Yost and the Bright Demesne?