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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Purfled \Pur"fled\, a. Ornamented; decorated; esp., embroidered on the edges.

Purfled work (Arch.), delicate tracery, especially in Gothic architecture.


vb. (en-past of: purfle)

Usage examples of "purfled".

He wore a jerkin, slashed and purfled, through which a fine cambric shirt showed its folds, having been teased through these slits, and across his broad chest a leather strap supported the cithern slung upon his back.

Clothes and ornaments, were broidered and purfled and picked out in sindle-whorls and fretwork, spirals and enamel inlays.

Zarabdas of Palmyra his name, and him in a silver purfled, black-girt robe of aquamarine blue.

Sire Hugh was not dressed in hunting gear, but rode up in his gown of violet-coloured cloth with purfled sleeves.