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n. shrubby tree widely distributed along tropical shores; yields a light tough wood used for canoe outriggers and a fiber used for cordage and caulk; often cultivated for ornament [syn: mahoe, majagua, mahagua, balibago, Hibiscus tiliaceus]


Purau is a small settlement in Canterbury, New Zealand, facing Lyttelton Harbour.

Usage examples of "purau".

Then suddenly she dropped her work and stepped into the shadow of a thick-spreading purau tree close by.

The big red rooster in the purau tree napped his wings, crowed and regarded the ground with down-stretched neck and deep, explosive cackles.

He lay on a mat in the shade of a purau tree near his house, and for a moment, while he collected his thoughts confused by dreams, he stared up wild-eyed at the broad, pale green leaves which made a canopy overhead.