Crossword clues for punditry
n. 1 (context uncountable English) The state of being a pundit 2 (context countable English) The opinion or advice of a pundit
Usage examples of "punditry".
The editorial writers had their own cubicles, but they were forced to use a communal room when it was time to put their punditry on the computer screen.
There are layers within layers, rapid reflection of analysis of punditry and quite a bit of round-the-clock regurgitation.
Colin Beever, a gifted organiser who went on to Ruskin College, edited its mixture of gossip, light-hearted observation and youthful punditry and I wrote bits and pieces.
He might have been making his money in punditry, dismissing exploration, but he might still be around in twenty-five years when Eddie filed his first reports, and that would show him.
The bien pensant punditry - which lives exclusively north of the border, most often in white suburbs that are not integrated - will rush to add that southern California and northern Mexico will soon create their own regional civilization, perhaps even their own language and culture.
Genuine fear, ominous punditry, and harsh criticism flowed around the central issue of the new Soviet threat to national security.
Time was, the TV coverage of a match would be swiftly followed by ten minutes of amateur punditry over the phone with the two of them arguing about every dodgy decision, every key move.