n. (plural of punctuation mark English)
Usage examples of "punctuation marks".
These could be letters, digits, symbols, maybe punctuation marks that don't fit the system and can complicate things.
I said I expected them to do this with nothing but idiosyncratic arrangements in horizontal lines of twenty-six phonetic symbols, ten numbers, and maybe eight punctuation marks, because it wasn't anything that hadn't been done before.
A few minutes later, back came the message: WELCOME PRINCESS NELL LET US DEVISE A MORE EFFICIENT MEANS OF COMMUNICATION followed by instructions on how to use a more compact system of toggles to represent numbers, and how to convert the numbers into letters and punctuation marks.
A few minutes later, back came the message:PRINCESS NELL LET US DEVISE A MOREMEANS OF COMMUNICATIONby instructions on how to use a more compact systemtoggles to represent numbers, and how to convert the numbersletters and punctuation marks.
Of course we talked about the school, and then she suddenly said: Tell me what really happened about those compositions, when half the class deliberately refrained from putting any punctuation marks.
It only took a short time for the gear to go through every possible combination of letters, numerals, and punctuation marks, but again and again it came up with nothing that would open the door to Dread's metaphorical locked room.
You can draw a good likeness of Tulla's face with the most familiar punctuation marks.
Set in this were letter keys exactly like a conventional typewriter, except that there were no numbers, no punctuation marks, and no space bar.
Set aside twenty to name each amino acid, and two more for punctuation marks—.
If there was a sudden outbreak of fleas-fleas you could see, like antic punctuation marks leaping from the ground onto your legs-poor Mrs.