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n. A building containing pumping equipment to fill a canal.

Pumphouse (album)

Pumphouse is the seventh full-length studio album released under the name of the British heavy metal band Tokyo Blade. The album was actually recorded by the band Pumphouse, which was the outfit founded in the early 90s by Alan Marsh, Tokyo Blade original vocalist, after his band Mr. Ice had folded. The British label Zoom Club released the collection of songs in 1998 under the name Tokyo Blade, after the members of Pumphouse Marsh, Riggs and Angel had joined Andy Boulton and John Wiggins to record Burning Down Paradise in 1995 and to tour in Europe as Tokyo Blade.


Pumphouse or Pump house may refer to:

Usage examples of "pumphouse".

The calf lay down in the shelter of the pumphouse and waited for whatever new wonder life had in store.

Quiston had never been greatly fond of this dark water by the pumphouse anyway, even without monsters.

I tossed it to Quiston and stepped to the high edge of the pumphouse roof.

While the same boy's elder sister, a year older than Shasa, had shown him something even more remarkable when they had shared a few forbidden moments together behind the pumphouse at the mine.

He passed the pumphouse and felt a guilty pang at its associations with last night's depravity, but then the dawn lit the plains below the cliffs and he forgot that in the pleasure of watching the veld come alive and greet the sun.

It was the first time that he had seen her since the meeting at the pumphouse, though he had looked for her each day since then.

That evening as he turned Prester John onto the pipe track Shasa's pulse started to gallop with anticipation, and as he approached the pumphouse he slowed the pony to a walk, afraid of disappointment, reluctant to turn the corner of the building.

If Cursrah loses Bitrabi, our marid trapped against her will in that pumphouse, it loses its water .

Dayvine had overgrown the pumphouse door, its brilliant red flowers and delicate seedpods draped elegantly from the roof across the opening.

She went over and unlocked a small cement-block pumphouse and tripped a switch that started a husky gasoline generator.