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  1. Producing, or consisting of pulses (short bursts) v

  2. (en-past of: pulse)


adj. produced or transmitted or modulated in short bursts or pulses; "pulsed electromagnetic waves"; "pulsed light"; "pulsed ultrasonic energy"

Usage examples of "pulsed".

She screamed, feeling the hard jets of his semen as she climaxed around his flesh, her hips arching, her clit erupting in pleasure, lava thundered through her veins, bubbling with the fierce ecstasy as she pulsed around him, milking his cock, soaking his flesh.

On the holographic display of the orbital linear accelerator, a small quad of engine thrusters pulsed twice, sending a tiny silver cone of crystallized exhaust into space.

The Persun sucked in a loud breath as the energy from the fire being snuffed pulsed through the AirMage to be stored by him and later released constructively, to Heal or mend buildings or farm.

Abruptly it pulsed once, twice, flared brightly for a glaring instant, a blinding picosecond, before the ship damped the image.

And that night whilst the Crew lay deep in snoring and the Elver Guards camped disdainfully apart with heads upon saddles, he and the pothecary spoke long and low together beside a guttering fire, and the coldly indifferent stars pulsed overhead.

But then, as the last beat of lightning pulsed and faded, as transparency flowed back into the glass, I was startled by something that clung to the outside of the rain-washed window, and the sight of it blew away the solipsistic fantasy.

The machine that created the plastic volumetrical models on the bases of their pulsed scanning was called an electronic-acoustic repeater.

In moonless dark, lights pulsed below the waters, like the bioluminescence of benthic things magnified many hundreds of times.

Among the dangling entrails, however, several bladderlike appendages pulsed, pushing enough air through her voice box for a short answer or two.

Veins of lightning pulsed in the clouds, and through the trees he saw a water pond, of a kind boys would bobber-fish in for bluegill and sun perch.

The smooth, unadorned stick of wood in her hand pulsed with force, and two white bolts, trailing tails as if they were tiny falling stars, leapt from it.

The ship lights pulsed way down, cranking up the stars to laser intensity as Clio watched through the viewport.

The Elysian transporter effect pulsed around Data, and in a moment he was standing, off balance, on one of the tilted rocks littering the beach below the mountain.

Morphayus meshed with the Hunger that pulsed through the Beast, a Hunger that, he was now positive, had not been a part of his original jungle self but something the wizard had stirred into the mixture when the Von Kharkov shell had been created.

The long scar across his cheek pulsed, and his eye raked the Mescalero like a rabid laser.