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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pulsatile \Pul"sa*tile\, a. [Cf. It. pulsatile, Sp. pulsatil.]

  1. Capable of being struck or beaten; played by beating or by percussion; as, a tambourine is a pulsatile musical instrument.

  2. Pulsating; throbbing, as a tumor.


a. 1 pulsating or vibrating 2 characterized by pulses

Usage examples of "pulsatile".

The skin passed naturally over the chest from one side to another, but was raised at one part of the groove by a pulsatile swelling which occupied the position of the right auricle.

Between the clavicles another pulsatile swelling was easily felt but hardly seen, which was doubtless the arch of the aorta, as by putting the fingers on it one could feel a double shock, synchronous with distention and recoil of a vessel or opening and closing of the semilunar valves.