vb. (present participle of pull together English)
Usage examples of "pulling together".
And Main Could the Touched girl have acted so rapidly, pulling together members of her casteless hordes to raid the Pilgrims' compound?
Japhet had been too busy pulling together his own people to pay much attention to their arrangement.
She heard Tavish's voice as she felt the bard grab her waist, but even pulling together, the two could not free the king.
Finding comfort in numbers, Barbara and Dwight and their kids joined them, and when Sarah finally left, they were all crowded into the suite's parlor, crying a little, but pulling together.
At least the old man had seen that much, the ambassador thought, and sighedeight nations pulling together to send a single ship to the asteroid belt.
His ginger-brown hair sported an expensive but conservative cut His face revealed generations of upper-class ancestors, all pulling together in the sweep of his jaw, his cheeks, his nose, understated and yet, well….
Right now, let's work out what supplies the evacuation ships will need and I want you to start pulling together those tasty goods we're going to use to tempt the .
Right now, let's work out what supplies the evacuation ships will need and I want you to start pulling together those tasty goods we're going to use to tempt the .
The Steed house needed pulling together, and so did its inhabitants.
His thoughts raced, pulling together the elements of another plan.
All around him, the cryptanaiysts were preparing to go off shift - stretching and yawning and rubbing at tired eyes, pulling together their work, briefing their replacements.
The night before Francesca was up late packing and pulling together scientific papers.
Scouts had also determined that Iakhovas was pulling together reserves from the sahuagin raiding parties and guiding even more of the drowned ones that continued the occupation of the Whamite Isles.