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pulling out

n. a method of birth control in which coitus is initiated but the penis is deliberately withdrawn before ejaculation [syn: coitus interruptus, withdrawal method, onanism]

Usage examples of "pulling out".

He just kept teasing her, pushing himself a fraction of the way into her and then pulling out of reach.

I rooted around in said bag for more film, pulling out a canister of black-and-white.

Jim sat on the trunk of a felled tree, and pulling out his pipe began to smoke.

The momentum caused both of them to fall, but Buffy managed to get up first, pulling out her stake and driving it toward his chest.

Then he pulled it over to the side, got out, and started pulling out supplies, tossing his sidearm in the back of the sedan.

Verin knelt and unfastened her saddlebags, pulling out dry clothes.