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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Puffiness \Puff"i*ness\, n. The quality or state of being puffy.


n. The state or quality of being puffy.


n. abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement [syn: swelling, lump]

Usage examples of "puffiness".

The floor creaked above her and she cast her eyes that way from under a cool washcloth, soothing away the puffiness around her eyes before the boy got home.

Despite their fluffy pink-and-white puffiness, the clouds appeared suddenly as threatening to Joram as the boiling black thunderheads that wreaked havoc yearly on the farming villages.

The visitor was a big, black-haired man, inclined to puffiness, whose whiskers and moustache seemed to have been blackleaded, they shone with such resplendence.

The diagnostic symptoms of anaemia are pallor of the face, lips, tongue, and general surface, weakness of the vital organs, hurried respiration on slight exercise, swelling or puffiness of the eyes, and a murmur of the heart, resembling the sound of a bellows.

Lessa leaned across the space between them and patted Pilgra's hand, noticing the brown spots and the puffiness of her fingers holding the glass.

The figures came nearer and the squinting, exhausted eyes of the hidden couple could see every detail of Drax's blood-orange face, the lean, pale foxiness of Dr Walter, the suety, overslept puffiness of Krebs.