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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pucker \Puck"er\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Puckered; p. pr. & vb. n. Puckering.] [From Poke a pocket, small bag.] To gather into small folds or wrinkles; to contract into ridges and furrows; to corrugate; -- often with up; as, to pucker up the mouth. ``His skin [was] puckered up in wrinkles.''


n. A fold or pinched bunch of fabric caused by the shrinkage of one layer among many. vb. (present participle of pucker English)

Usage examples of "puckering".

He stayed with her through her wild ride, pushing as deeply into her as he could, massaging her buttocks and breasts in turn, taking her puckering nipples in his mouth, suckling them.

Her nipples betrayed her, puckering to hard, taut peaks, and her pussy dripped with more moisture.

And she knelt up and pressed against me, the incarnation of softness, and I turned and kissed her large and puckering mouth.

At times he seemed to go facially mad, puckering his lips, raising his eyebrows in an exaggerated grimace and glancing sidelong over his long, sharp nose.

Alex screwed up his face and screamed, his mouth puckering in a tight little twist.

But at the last moment, he pulled back and simply gazed into her eyes, a slight frown of puzzlement puckering his brow.

But just at the moment of entry, he paused, looking down into her eyes, a frown puckering his brow.

At first he pretended not to know what snogging meant, but when Rosie and Jools started puckering up and blowing kisses at him he got the message.

Chardonnay, a puckering rendition of a California varietal she probably bought by the keg.

The soft sweet slushings and the suckings and the nibblings of her dainty lips, the flickings of her ardent little pink tongue over my ardent, puckering cocktip and along the velvety pink and throbbing crannies of the meatus, had driven me to an ungovernable frenzy.

The wound had begun to close, I saw, his diamond skin puckering tight to seal the damage.

Jake looked quickly at the smouldering globe of the sun, the crinkles around his eyes puckering up thoughtfully as he listened to the heated argument in Arabic taking place on the poop deck.

A nonchalant look on his dark face, a tuneless whistle puckering his mouth, Gracias came into the room.

She was so near that he could see puckering around her nipples and catch the warm intriguing perfume of her skin mingled with the smell of the new leather.

Almost plain for the moment, and puckering her brow with delightful indifference to her own beauty, like a pouting schoolboy she counted and recounted upon her fingers those difficult additions.