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publishing houses

n. (plural of publishing house English)

Usage examples of "publishing houses".

The monopoly of the big publishing houses on everything written - from romance to scholarly journals - is a thing of the past.

The publishing houses who have ceased to accept unagented manuscripts are those who never bought from unestablished writers in the first place.

Instead, it was to be a novel -- a romantic, swashbuckling novel of the kind popular before the war, when there were still publishing houses and people with leisure to devote to escape mechanisms.

New magazines were about to come into being, and the large publishing houses were about to consider putting out regular lines of hardback science fiction novels (hitherto the domain of small specialty houses no more affluent than the magazines and no more hopeful as a source of income).

Some half-dozen publishing houses issue them, though the people who draw them seem not to be numerous at any one time.

Write to all the public relations departments of record companies, publishing houses, and movie studios.

Schuster offered a much higher amount than Bantam, and I changed publishing houses.

Michael Korda of Simon & Schuster offered a much higher amount than Bantam, and I changed publishing houses.

Entire publishing houses would have gone into bankruptcy, no doubt, without the steady, sure income that Isaacs science books have generated for them over the decades.