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a. Pertaining to or suffering from a psychoneurosis. n. Someone suffering from a psychoneurosis.

  1. adj. affected with emotional disorder [syn: neurotic] [ant: unneurotic]

  2. n. a person suffering from neurosis [syn: neurotic, mental case]


Usage examples of "psychoneurotic".

The fictitious figure of the deposed captain was contrived from a study of psychoneurotic case histories to motivate the central situation and is not a portrait of a real military person or a type.

One might say that they were running a psychotic temperature of 99 degrees, whereas Sybil has been running a psychoneurotic temperature of 105 degrees, thought Dr.

Sybil to search for a psychoneurotic solution to the intolerable reality of her childhood.

United States, you see, has reached the psychoneurotic dead end of the industrial culture.

Then perhaps youll come to have the proper awe for us fallen psychoneurotic Jewish men!