Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. Of or pertaining to the function of muscles under the control of the mind
adj. of or relating to or characterizing mental events that have motor consequences or vice versa
Psychomotor may refer to:
- Psychomotor learning, the relationship between cognitive functions and physical movement
Psychomotor may also refer to disorders or disturbances:
- Psychomotor retardation, a slowing-down of thought and a reduction of physical movements in an individual
- Psychomotor agitation, a series of unintentional and purposeless motions that stem from mental tension and anxiety of an individual
Usage examples of "psychomotor".
Bulimia-Anorexia and Hypersexuality Following Pneumoencephalography in a Case of Psychomotor Epilepsy.
Because Pemulis always conducts business solo and speaks no French, the whole transaction with the Nuck in charge had to be negotiated in dumbshow, and since this lumberjackish Antitoi Nuckwad tended to look from side to side before he communicated even more than Pemulis looked all around himself, with his dim-looking partner standing there cradling a broom and also scanning for eavesdroppers in the closed shop the whole time, the whole negotiated deal had resembled a kind of group psychomotor seizure, with different bits of whipping and waggling heads reflected in dislocated sections and at jagged angles in more mirrors and pebbled blown-glass vases than Pemulis had ever seen crammed into anywhere.
Currently, I'm responsible for all the psychomotor accidents taking place in the world - that's why I've signed myself in here at the hospital for a course of electroconvulsive shock.
These professionals emphasize that psychomotor epileptics are no more prone to criminal behavior than other individuals in society.
The overwhelming majority of psychomotor epileptics are not violent or sexually disturbed.
The comparison is even more striking when we realize that epileptics, suffering from a psychomotor seizure, often go through an exactly comparable set of activities, the only difference being perhaps that they run a few more red lights than I usually do, but have no conscious memory of having performed these actions once the seizure has subsided.
The humans were giving the apes physical examinations and wiring them from top to bottom, sticking eight-inch thermometers up their rectums, imbedding sensors in the thoracic cages, clamping the psychomotor stimulus plates on the soles of their feet, threading them into their restraint harnesses, strapping them into their procedures-trainer cubicles, closing the hatches, pressurizing the cubicles with pure oxygen, inserting the cubicles in the mock Mercury capsules, and then flashing the lights.
Benson's case, you get what is called psychomotor epilepsy —.
A classic study on higher brain function is the work of the Canadian neurosurgeon, Wilder Penfield, on the electrical stimulation of various parts of the cerebral cortex, generally in attempts to relieve symptoms of a disease such as psychomotor epilepsy.
And if youve read Michael Crichtons THE TERMINAL MAN you know that the brain storm caused by psychomotor epilepsy can turn a normal human being into a psychopathic killer in moments.
Routine physical examinations of Conner had disclosed abnormal EEG patterns akin to, but different from, those associated with hereditary migraine and some psychomotor epilepsy.