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Pseudo-Plutarch is the conventional name given to the actual, but unknown authors of a number of pseudepigrapha attributed to Plutarch, but now known not to have been written by him.

Some of these works were included in some editions of Plutarch's Moralia. Among these are:

  • the Lives of the Ten Orators ( Latin: Vitae Decem Oratorum, biographies of the Ten Orators of ancient Athens, based on Caecilius of Calacte), possibly deriving from a common source with the Lives of Photius
  • The Doctrines of the Philosophers (; Latin: Placita Philosophorum)
  • De Musica (On Music)
  • Parallela Minora (Minor Parallels)
  • Pro Nobilitate (Noble Lineage)
  • De Fluviorum et Montium Nominibus (About the Names of Rivers and Mountains/On Rivers; Greek: Περὶ ποταμῶν καὶ ὄρων ἐπωνυμίας)
  • De Homero (On Homer)
  • De Unius in Re Publica Dominatione (On the Rule of One in the Republic)
  • Consolatio ad Apollonium (Consolation to Apollonius)

These works date to slightly later than Plutarch, but almost all of them date to Late Antiquity (3rd to 4th century AD). D. Blank has recently shown that Pro Nobilitate was written by Arnoul Le Ferron (Arnoldus Ferronus) and first published in 1556.

One pseudepigraphal philosophical work, De Fato (On Fate; included in editions of Plutarch's Moralia), is thought to be a 2nd-century Middle Platonic work.

Stromateis (Στρωματεῖς, "Patchwork"), an important source for Pre-Socratic Philosophy, is also falsely ascribed to Plutarch.

Some works ascribed to Plutarch are likely of medieval origin, such as the "Letter to Trajan."