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n. (obsolete spelling of pride English)


Pryde is an obsolete spelling of the English word pride now most frequently encountered as a surname.

Notable people with the name include:

  • Alix Pryde, British businesswoman
  • Bob Pryde (1913–98), Scottish soccer player
  • David Pryde (1913–87), Scottish soccer player
  • David Johnstone Pryde (1890—1959), Scottish Labour politician
  • Duncan Pryde (1937–97), Canadian hunter, trapper, lexicographer and politician
  • James Pryde (1866–1941), Scottish artist working mainly in graphics
  • Josephine Pryde (born 1967), English artist
  • Mabel Pryde (1871–1918), Scots-born English artist
  • Peggy Pryde (1867–1943), British music hall performer
  • Susy Pryde (born 1973), New Zealand cyclist

Usage examples of "pryde".

Whan that the monthe in which the world bigan That highte March, whan God first maked man, Was compleet, and passed were also Syn March bigan, thritty dayes and two, Bifel that Chauntecleer in al his pryde, Hise sevene wyves walkynge by his syde, Caste up hise eyen to the brighte sonne, That in the signe of Taurus hadde yronne Twenty degrees and oon, and somwhat moore.

Cresus This riche Cresus whilom kyng of Lyde, Of whiche Cresus Cirus soore hym dradde, Yet was he caught amyddes al his pryde, And to be brent men to the fyr hym ladde.