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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prurience \Pru"ri*ence\, Pruriency \Pru"ri*en*cy\, n. The quality or state of being prurient.

The pruriency of curious ears.

There is a prurience in the speech of some.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from prurient + -ence. Related: Pruriency (1660s).


n. The quality of being prurient.


n. feeling morbid sexual desire [syn: pruriency, lasciviousness, carnality]

Usage examples of "prurience".

By alleging a moral purpose he is enabled to gratify the prurience of his public and to raise them in their own muddy conceit at one and the same time.

There is no folly so besotted that the idiotic rivalries of society, the prurience, the rashness, the blindness of youth, will not hurry a man to its commission.

He had carefully disorged the girl in such a manner that her prurience had only been weakened.

The spectacle that followed depicted the rise and fall of the First Kingdom, and was built on the twin foundations of prurience and ufology, highlighted by an on-stage Nile flood, a sybaritic orgy, and the destruction of the Great Temple at Karnak by a departing spaceship.

Someone once said that to know her was to understand what Elizabethan girls were like, virgins without prurience or prudery.

In America today, there is no such thing as shame, only prurience and pity.

They were no-brainers all, into the new kink if given half a shove and enough nose candy to blame their natural prurience on.

So the children, looking upon all this changing about, found a kind of giggly prurience in it despite the fact that they were shifter children every one, or hoped they were soon to be.