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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Proviso \Pro*vi"so\, n.; pl. Provisos. [L., (it) being provided, abl. of provisus, p. p. of providere. See Provide, and cf. Purview.] An article or clause in any statute, agreement, contract, grant, or other writing, by which a condition is introduced, usually beginning with the word provided; a conditional stipulation that affects an agreement, contract, law, grant, or the like; as, the contract was impaired by its proviso.

He doth deny his prisoners, But with proviso and exception.


n. (plural of proviso English)

Usage examples of "provisos".

The provisos included the right to establish American military bases on the island and to intervene in Cuban affairs "in order to preserve [Cuban] independence.

In the dining-room two elderly celebrities (Max Lerner and Richard Brook) were ordering complicated meals, with many doctorial vetos and provisos, while in the adjacent room the little squad of playmates and playthings, of honeys and bunnies, sat quietly around a table with their glasses (soft drinks only: Ner' doesn't want them sloppy).

Despite much harassment and entrapment, these provisos are quite clearly unenforceable.

With these provisos I can swear to you that I have met no one who would willingly trade a week for anything I could offer.