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n. 1 (plural of province English) 2 The part of a country outside of the capital, major cities, etc., and regarded as being rustic or parochial; a hinterland. ''See'' provincial.

Usage examples of "provinces".

That will enable you to outrank the governors in their provinces, and to levy troops anywhere.

When he traveled the hundreds, sometimes thousands, of miles from one of his provinces to another, he kept at least one secretary with him as he hurtled along in a gig harnessed to four mules, and dictated to the hapless man nonstop.

My feeling is that the provinces of Rome are becoming too bureaucratically necessary to Rome, perpetuating additional expenses from layers of middlemen and superfluous paperwork.

Take Head Count Romans too poor to belong to one of the five Classes and ship them off into the world to settle in foreign places, bring Rome to the provinces, replace Greek with Latin as the lingua mundi.

Head Count, had dreamed of pensioning them off in the provinces, there to spread Roman customs and the Latin language.

By the time that my legislation is done, there will hardly be any need for the Extortion Court, because governors and businessmen in the provinces will be too hamstrung to extort.

I ask you, Brutus, what does Rome have provinces for, if not to let Romans make a sestertius or two out of them?

Truly, I think Caesar believes Rome should pay her provinces, not the other way around!

After he had been consul he would go to govern Italian Gaul, the most strategic of all the provinces when it came to keeping an eye on Rome and Italy.

The strong array of governors in the western provinces went from Pollio in Further Spain through Lepidus in Nearer Spain and Narbonese Gaul to Lucius Munatius Plancus in Gaul of the Long-hairs and Gaul of the Rhodanus, and ended with Decimus Brutus in Italian Gaul.

It would be churlish to tell Brutus and Cassius about their provinces for the first time in the full glare of the Senate.

Senate met to discuss the provinces, and Brutus and Cassius attended, expecting to hear where they would be sent to govern next year.

Therefore I move that Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius be voted provinces at once, no matter how long the other praetors must wait.

I refuse to see them given provinces while innocent men like me are told we must wait!

Couched in prose that had Cicero drooling, it announced that, while they wished to absent themselves from Rome to govern provinces, they were not about to be palmed off with quaestorian duties like buying in grain.