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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Providently \Prov"i*dent*ly\, adv. In a provident manner.


adv. In a provident manner.


adv. in a provident manner; "providently, he had saved up some money for emergencies" [ant: improvidently]

Usage examples of "providently".

Boadicea, with a barrel of providently salted penguins from off the Cape serving as geese or turkeys, according to the taste and fancy of the mess, and plum-duff blazing faint blue under the awnings spread against the fiercer blaze of the Mauritian sun.

With his horse he had providently brought a suit of his own clothes for the stranger, which, though made of homespun, and not of the most modern fashion, were yet warm and comfortable, and as Stevens was compelled to think, infinitely preferable to the chilly and dripping garments which he wore.

He can barely mean, that a condition of drowsihead is other than providently warned by laughter of friends.

Whatever truth certain philosophers, amid their false opinions, were able to see, and strove by laborious discussions to persuade men of,-such as that God had made this world, and Himself most providently governs it, or of the nobility of the virtues, of the love of country, of fidelity in friendship, of good works and everything pertaining to virtuous manners, although they knew not to what end and what rule all these things were to be referred,-all these, by words prophetic, that is, divine, although spoken by men, were commended to the people in that city, and not inculcated by contention in arguments, so that he who should know them might be afraid of contemning, not the wit of men, but the oracle of God.