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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Protoxide \Pro*tox"ide\, n. [Proto- + oxide: cf. F. protoxide.] (Chem.) That one of a series of oxides having the lowest proportion of oxygen. See Proto-, 2 (b) .

protoxide of nitrogen, laughing gas, now called hyponitrous oxide. See under Laughing.


n. (context obsolete chemistry English) the oxide of a particular element (that has multiple oxides) having the smallest proportion of oxygen


Usage examples of "protoxide".

Ores of Lead -- Geographical Distribution of the Lead Industry -- Chemical and Physical Properties of Lead -- Alloys of Lead -- Compounds of Lead -- Dressing of Lead Ores -- Smelting of Lead Ores -- Smelting in the Scotch or American Ore-hearth -- Smelting in the Shaft or Blast Furnace -- Condensation of Lead Fume -- Desilverisation, or the Separation of Silver from Argentiferous Lead -- Cupellation -- The Manufacture of Lead Pipes and Sheets -- Protoxide of Lead -- Litharge and Massicot -- Red Lead or Minium -- Lead Poisoning -- Lead Substitutes -- Zinc and its Compounds -- Pumice Stone -- Drying Oils and Siccatives -- Oil of Turpentine Resin -- Classification of Mineral Pigments -- Analysis of Raw and Finished Products -- Tables -- Index.

The finest colour is procured when the peroxide and protoxide of iron are mixed together.

The precipitate being washed, dried, and exposed to a red heat, and weighed, nine-tenths of its weight indicate the weight of protoxide of iron contained in the water.