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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Protestingly \Pro*test"ing*ly\, adv. By way of protesting.


adv. unwillingly, with protests


adv. in a protesting manner; "the bed creaked protestingly when the fat man sat down"

Usage examples of "protestingly".

No one could doubt that he was striking with all his not inconsiderable strength, for twice a shower of sparklets flew upward from the buffets, the fabric of the hardwood dummy creaked and groaned protestingly and, at the last blow, one of the axles of the dummy-cart bent and a freed wooden wheel went skittering across the floor.

No one could doubt that he was striking with all his not inconsiderable strength, for twice a shower of sparklets flew upward from the buffets, the fabric of the hardwood dummy creaked and groaned protestingly and, at the last blow, one of the axles of the dummy-cart bent and a freed wooden wheel went skittering across the floor.

From beneath her feet came another muted squeal, like a rat in the cat's jaws, as the helmsman made a small-adjustment to Huron's heading, and the rudder tackle ran protestingly through the blocks.