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n. (plural of protege English)


n. (plural of protegé cap=true English)

Usage examples of "proteges".

The Work Room was a permanently shielded, circular chamber within the Palace complex that the Herald-Mages used when training their proteges in the Mage-aspects of their Gifts.

I have three proteges to train, and no time to waste on cosseting a daydreamer.

Without turning around, Savil knew from the brush of embarrassed Mindspeech behind her that Tylendel and her other two proteges, Mardic and Donni, had come in behind her, not expecting to find anyone except Savil here.

Herald, although it was occasionally an asset in training proteges - was in dealing with people.

Council session in her capacity as speaker for those Heralds teaching proteges, and Vanyel presumably entertaining his little coterie of followers, there was nothing and no one to break the stifling silence.

M: Starting about 1978 there was from professional sources, an increasing demand to add proteges, and in the period from about 1978 to 1982, several were added.