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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Protectress \Pro*tect"ress\, Protectrix \Pro*tect"rix\, n. [NL. protectrix.] A woman who protects.


n. A female protector.

Usage examples of "protectress".

Fergus Reith, full of the best breakfast he had eaten on Krishna, was sound asleep in the bed furnished by Shosti, Protectress of the Temple of Ultimate Verity at Senarze.

Noting that he had flaming hair like yours, the Protectress thought him the divine begetter of the prophecy.

In the meantime he had fifteen months in which to navigate the ocean of Paris, to spread the nets and set the lines that would bring him a protectress and a fortune.

Later, in the autumn of 1786, her protectress presented her to Cardinal de Rohan.

The Duchesse de Navailles, my protectress, was a near relative of hers, and M.

She was a little on the defensive on finding herself in this new and unexpected society, but she felt, this evening, that she was in the midst of a sympathetic and admiring circle, and did the honors of her own house with perfect ease, finding agreeable words and showing a delicate forethought for each guest, and above all displaying toward her protectress a charming deference, by which the Duchess felt herself particularly touched.

He crossed himself, stood in front of the icon-shrine with the everburning lamp, and prayed his protectress, the Holy Virgin of the Vineyard, to give him the strength to hold out.

Her feeling toward him was that of a mother and protectress, for Jenny was one of those women of exceptionally strong character who choose as husbands small, mild men, in need of sterner mates.

Pales was the protectress of herd animals, thus insuring the survival of the tribe.

At the same time she felt, through encircling arms, her protectress hesitate.

He has not much faith in his protectress, but he believes in her a little through prudence, and he is considerate of her through policy.

Madame Virgin Mary, natural protectress of girl mothers in this land and all over the world, protect your servant who erred in a moment of forgetfulness .

But most of the enemy had gathered around their fallen comrade, and seized with some anxiety as to his condition, Miss Horn approached the group: the instant she turned towards it, the laird snatched his hand from hers, darted away like a hunting spider, and shot down the Strait Path to the low street: by the time his protectress had looked over the heads of the group, seen that the young miscreant was not seriously injured, and requested him to take that for meddling with a helpless innocent, the object of her solicitude, whom she supposed standing behind her, was nowhere to be seen.

With a half repentant, half apologetic look, he crept in, and, apparently to get as near his protectress as he could, sat down in the entrance of an empty pew, just opposite the one in which she was seated, on the other side of the narrow passage.

It could only be she, the Lady, whom the Greeks knew as Artemis, one of her many names, protectress of the young, mistress of wild things, goddess of childbirth.