Crossword clues for prostatectomy
n. (context surgery English) The surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland.
n. surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland
Prostatectomy ( Greek, -prostates, "prostate", combined with the suffix -ektomē, "excision") is a medical term for the surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland. This operation is done for benign conditions that cause urinary retention, as well as for prostate cancer and other cancers of the pelvis.
There are two main types of prostatectomies. A simple prostatectomy (also known as a subtotal prostatectomy) is when only part of the prostate is removed. Simple prostatectomies are typically only done for benign conditions. A radical prostatectomy, the removal of the entire prostate gland, the seminal vesicles and the vas deferens, is performed for malignant cancer.
There are multiple ways the operation can be done: as an open surgery (with a large incision through the lower abdomen), laparoscopically with the help of a robot (a type of minimally invasive surgery), through the urethra or through the perineum.
Other terms that can be used to describe a prostatectomy, include
- Nerve-sparing: the blood vessels and nerves that promote penile erections are left behind in the body and not taken out with the prostate
- Limited pelvic lymph node dissection: the lymph nodes surrounding and close to the prostate are taken out (typically the area defined by external iliac vein anteriorly, the obturator nerve posteriorly, the origin of the internal iliac artery proximally, Cooper's ligament distally, the bladder medially and the pelvic side wall laterally).
- Extended pelvic lymph node dissection: lymph nodes farther away from the prostate are taken out also (typically the area defined in a limited PLND with the posterior boundary as the floor of the pelvis).
Usage examples of "prostatectomy".
Henry Noble, a fifty-seven-year-old white male, entered the Valley Hospital to undergo a total prostatectomy for cancer.
Dad dwells at considerable length upon his relatively recent prostatectomy, then goes on to lighter topics such as the pain Mom keeps getting in her side and that Dr.
Dad reverts for a while to his prostatectomy, then reminisces about his bricklaying days.
Dunlop widebody tennis racquets' super-secret-formulaic composition materials of high-modulusgraphite-reinforced polycarbonate polybutylene resin are organochemically identical I say again identical to the gyroscopic balance sensor and mise-en-scène appropriation card and priapistic-entertainment cartridge implanted in your very own towering father's anaplastic cerebrum after his cruel series of detoxifications and convolution-smoothings and gastrectomy and prostatectomy and pancreatectomy and phalluctomy .