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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Proslavery \Pro*slav"er*y\, a. [Pref. pro- + slavery.] Favoring slavery. -- n. Advocacy of slavery.


a. Supporting slavery.


Proslavery is an ideology that perceives slavery as a positive good.

Usage examples of "proslavery".

Republicans of large influence, prominent among them Horace Greeley, sympathizing with Douglas in his fight against the Lecompton Constitution, and hoping to detach him permanently from the proslavery interest and to force a lasting breach in the Democratic party, seriously advised the Republicans of Illinois to give up their opposition to Douglas, and to help re-elect him to the Senate.

John Brown led a midnight attack on the proslavery settlement of Pottawatomie.

Pottawatomie killings seem equally unmotivated by neglecting to tell that the violence in Kansas had hitherto been perpetrated primarily by the proslavery side.

On both sides the cause was broader and deeper than negro slavery, and neither the proslavery men nor the abolitionists have won.

Thus he drew upon himself the hostility of the Buchanan administration, which was controlled by the proslavery interest, but he saved his Northern following.

Territories a trick by which they could defeat what the proslavery men considered a constitutional right, and that he called that trick lawful, this the slave power would never forgive.

It appeared very probable that the Baltimore convention would nominate Douglas, while the seceding Southern Democrats would set up a candidate of their own, representing extreme proslavery principles.

As had been foreseen, Douglas was nominated by one wing of the Democratic party at Baltimore, while the extreme proslavery wing put Breckinridge into the field as its candidate.

As an antislavery man, I have a motive to desire emancipation which proslavery men do not have but even they have strong enough reason to thus place themselves again under the shield of the Union, and to thus perpetually hedge against the recurrence of the scenes through which we are now passing.

I can do to remain in hiding as he climbs into his carriage and rides away, for I would run after him and warn him that in eleven days a proslavery fanatic will murder him while he sits in a theater watching a play with his wife.

John Calhoun had seized upon the Treaty of Oothcaloga and the Algiers Incident to advance his proslavery political program.

It is said that we have accomplished nothing, and this is re-echoed every morning by the proslavery press of England.

In Philadelphia, the center of abolitionist societies, proslavery rioters go on a rampage and destroy forty houses belonging to blacks.

In Boston, a proslavery mob disrupts an address by English abolitionist George Thompson.

Abolitionist publisher Elijah Lovejoy, whose presses have twice been destroyed by proslavery rioters, is murdered by a mob in Alton, Illinois.