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n. (plural of proscription English)

Usage examples of "proscriptions".

How dared he have the audacity to say the proscriptions would end on the Kalends of last month-the names are still going up on the rostra every time one of his minions or his relatives covets another luscious slice of Campania or the seashore!

Yet that, he reflected, was what administration of the proscriptions required-someone absolutely abominable.

The business end of the proscriptions had to be conducted in a positive cloud of respectability-sale of properties, disposal of cash assets, jewelry, furniture, works of art, stocks and shares.

Chrysogonus was not chief administrator of the proscriptions and steward to the Dictator for nothing.

Pompey proved to be more difficult than reconciling Rome to the proscriptions, as Sulla learned the day before he held his triumph.

Roscius off, it will be necessary to prove that Sulla and his proscriptions are utterly corrupt.

Rome need not fear proscriptions and murder under the good Pompeius Magnus!

Pompey too had spoken angrily of proscriptions, of thousands being thrown off the Tarpeian Rock?

Pompey had done himself no good in their eyes by speaking openly of proscriptions Italia-wide, whereas Caesar had behaved with clemency and great affection for country people.

Though Quintus Pedius thus learned publicly that his consulship was about to end, Octavian saved the news of the proscriptions to tell him afterward.

The proscriptions had put almost twenty thousand silver talents in the Treasury, and Rome was very quiet, too busy licking her wounds to offer trouble, even among the least co-operative elements in the Senate.

He enjoyed the slow, thoughtful discussions of the Torah, of the application of the various laws and proscriptions to the modern day.

Retain the dictatorship for a time, strengthen the plebeian element by ruthless proscriptions of patricians and by recruits from the provinces, unite the tribunitial, pontifical, and military powers in the imperator designated by the army, all elements existing in the constitution from an early day, and already developed in the Roman state, and you have the imperial constitution, which retained to the last the senate and consuls, though with less and less practical power.

His proscriptions, confiscations, butcheries, unheard-of cruelties which anticipated and surpassed those of the French Revolution of 1793, availed nothing.

These efforts, proscriptions, confiscations, military executions, assassinations, massacres, are all made in the name of liberty, or in defence of a government supposed to guaranty the well-being of the state and the rights of the people.