The Collaborative International Dictionary
Prorector \Pro*rec"tor\, n. [NL. See Pro-, and Rector.]
An officer who presides over the academic senate of a German
n. An officer who presides over the academic senate of a university in certain countries.
In many countries in Europe (e.g. in the USSR and in the independent countries of the former Soviet Union), a prorector is deputy to rector and a member of the management body of a university. In cases with more than one prorector each prorector manages a particular area of university life. Examples include prorector of education and prorector of science.
The same applies for Brazil. For example, "Graduation Prorector" means the member of the management body in charge of graduation courses, and so on.
In the fictional world of David Foster Wallace's futuristic novel Infinite Jest set in Boston, "Those younger staffers who double as academic and athletic instructors are, by convention at North American tennis academies, known as 'prorectors.'" (Abacus edition 1996, n. 4 at p. 983)
Usage examples of "prorector".
Freer had been discovered by prorector Mary Esther Thode more or less Xing poor Bernadette Longley under an Adidas blanket in the very back seat on the bus trip to the East Coast Clays in Providence in September, and it had been a nasty scene, because there were some basic Academy-license rules that it was just unacceptable to flout under the nose of staff.
Watson the prorector, teaching of energy in models of resource-scarcity and resource-plenty.
Director of Composition, its varsity tennis coach, and Academy prorector Mr.
Mario Incandenza sways down the steep path to the portcullis in the warm rain and interfaces with Clipperton through the bars and has the attendant hold the intercom-button down for him and personally requests that Clipperton be admitted under a special nonplay codicil to the regulations, saying the kid is truly in desperate psychic straits, Mario speaking first to Lateral Alice Moore and then to this prorector Cantrell and then to the Headmaster himself as Clipperton stares wordlessly up at the little wrought-iron racquet-heads that serve as spikes at the top of the portcullis and fencing around E.
Helen Steeply was taken by female prorector Thierry Poutrincourt, freshly showered, long-faced, a non-U.
Eschaton free-for-all and serious Lord-, Ingersoll-, and Penn-injuries, both trainer Barry Loach and prorector Rik Dunkel having told Avril, and Schtitt to be told by whichever of Nwangi and deLint first works up the pluck, and the issue of telling Tavis being as would be S.
Tony Nwangi and Tex Watson and the other prorectors specializing in little kids.
Harde put up each fall over the senior-locker sections of both locker rooms that had WINNERS NEVER HAVE TO QUIT until some of the other prorectors went to Schtitt and got him to make deLint take them down.
We Are What We Revile or We Are What We Scurry Around As Fast As Possible With Our Eyes Averted, though when Schtitt mentions the motto he never attaches any moral connotation to it, or for that matter ever translates it, allowing prorectors and Big Buddies to adjust their translations to suit the needs of the pedagogical moment.
The prorectors have their own showers in a kind of lounge near their rooms in the secondary tunnel, with a Viewer and recliners and a little fridgelet and a dicky-proof door.
We Are What We Revile or We Are What We Scurry Around As Fast As Possible With Our Eyes Averted, though when Schtitt mentions the motto he never attaches any moral connota tion to it, or for that matter ever translates it, allowing prorectors and Big Buddies to adjust their translations to suit the needs of the pedagogical moment.
Gerhardt Schtitt and deLínt and their depressed prorectors had had to sit eating butterless popcorn through only one cartridge of one B.
One of the graduate prorectors' little tasks is supposedly to go around to different Subdorm floors and check the rooms for things like are the beds made up drum-tight, with unpleasant little extra drills added to the regimens of bed-making and toothpaste-cap replacing slackers, though few of the prorectors have the combination anality and drive actually to go around to their assigned rooms with a checklist, the exceptions being Au brey deLint, Mary Esther Thode, and the hatchet-faced Kenyan Tony Nwangi, who's got the Pemulis/Troeltsch/Schacht suite under extremely beady scrutiny at all times.
This is mostly for certification reasons,104 plus all but one of the prorectors are low-level touring professionals, with low-level professional tennis players in general being not exactly the most candent stars in the intellectual Orion.