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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Propose \Pro*pose"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Proposed; p. pr. & vb. n. Proposing.] [F. proposer; pref. pro- (L. pro for, forward) + poser to place. See Pose, v.]

  1. To set forth. [Obs.]

    That being proposed brimfull of wine, one scarce could lift it up.

  2. To offer for consideration, discussion, acceptance, or adoption; as, to propose terms of peace; to propose a question for discussion; to propose an alliance; to propose a person for office.

  3. To set before one's self or others as a purpose formed; hence, to purpose; to intend.

    I propose to relate, in several volumes, the history of the people of New England.

    To propose to one's self, to intend; to design.


vb. (present participle of propose English)

Usage examples of "proposing".

The monarch came up and accosted them very pleasantly, proposing that they should take part in the game.

She could certainly not do anything without my consent, and she had evidently considered the affair too delicate to venture upon proposing the party point-blank to me.

On the 9th January, Casanova wrote from Dessau to his brother Giovanni, proposing to make peace with him, but without results.

He went immediately to Hindenburg with the news, hoping that the President would fire Schleicher as Minister of Defense and retain Chancellor Papen - and indeed proposing that he do so.

In February he presented to the cabinet a lengthy memorandum proposing that the S.

Neurath, the compliant Foreign Minister, called in the ambassadors of France, Britain and Italy, apprised them of the news from the Rhineland and handed them a formal note denouncing the Locarno Treaty, which Hitler had just broken - and proposing new plans for peace!

Moreover, he was proposing that the Germans take over the mass of the Polish people.

The King of Sweden was also active in proposing peace to both London and Berlin.

Army High Command and General Staff, finally proposing that the head of the Army and he himself resign their posts.

There would be an inconvenience attending the clause, if it were proposed at once that fifty-six boroughs should be disfranchised, and therefore it had been proposed to leave out the number, but with the certain intention of proposing the insertion of every one of the fifty-six as they went on.

During the period in which ministers were proposing their important measures, some minor topics were introduced, in which they found themselves unable to resist the numerical force of their opponents.

The only useful power at present exercised by the legislative council was that of proposing amendments on the bills passed by the house of assembly.

Observe, I am not proposing to cut the enormous non-combatant tail which fills up K.

I endeavour above all to make her realize the fearful consequences which might follow a course different to the one I was proposing, and how miserable we might be.

A cold wind from the Alps stopped my plan of proposing a short turn in the garden.