▪ Also, there are clear benefits from bringing proposed actions together in a formal strategic analysis and long-term financial plan.
▪ The lexicographer will be informed of the results of any investigation and the proposed action.
▪ And the proposed amendment gives authority to do that.
▪ So an embarrassed clerk in the table office wrote to Mr Wilson, advising him of proposed amendments to his motion.
▪ Stenholm's proposed amendment required the President to submit a balanced budget to Congress each year.
▪ On Nov. 17, Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution.
▪ The proposed budget cuts would have affected housing subsidies, pensions, family payments and civil service pay.
▪ The Committee accepted the proposed budget outline.
▪ Transport and communications received the largest allocation, 23.8 percent of the proposed budget, followed by agriculture with 18.5 percent.
▪ The proposed budget for 1991 was set at US$345,500,000.
▪ Each house sends the Executive's proposed budget to its Committee on Appropriations, which divides the various parts among its subcommittees.
▪ Therefore, the House would have the opportunity of debating any proposed changes to the scheme.
▪ Officially, the organisation would not comment on the proposed change.
▪ If a proposed change has the support of the local parties, it is usual for the commissioners to accept it.
▪ The proposed changes must be re-considered.
▪ David Graham has listed a catalogue of objections to proposed changes to the Caravan Sites Act.
▪ The proposed changes had one key aim - to increase usage - so, for example, that threshold was to go.
▪ As with all other proposed changes for broadcasting, the details of the Thatcher Government's reforming zeal are as yet unknown.
▪ He referred to the new written policy and circulated four letters from parents objecting to the proposed closure.
▪ Nalgo members were protesting at the proposed closure of a 24-hour crisis intervention centre.
▪ Something like 80 percent of proposed courses were turned down when first submitted in the late 1960s.
▪ Nearly all the proposed course is at present good grass land and ought to make a capital sporting course.
▪ A proposed cut in the securities stamp tax was also rejected.
▪ The proposed cuts had led to talk of its closure but today a reprieve was announced.
▪ Campaigners against the proposed cuts say it's a major victory.
▪ Under the proposed deal, O&Y would be able to buy back the building if it recovers.
▪ Unfortunately for them, many of the proposed deals and screenplays were printed on ordinary paper.
▪ The Ford stake is aimed at frustrating the proposed deal between Jaguar and General Motors.
▪ Brittan said, however, on Dec. 13 that the Commission would be examining the proposed deal.
▪ He suggested that the proposed deal would be a good thing, as it would immediately validate the still ill-defined superserver market.
▪ But the proposed development has angered environmentalists who argue there's no need for more housing in Swindon.
▪ They felt that the proposed development would detract from the rural character of the area because of its size, height and bulk.
▪ In what ways might each of these proposed developments reduce the pleasures of people who live in or visit the area?
▪ The first part summarises committee discussions, while the proposed developments were compiled by five members and edited by the chairman.
▪ Where the proposed development faces a highway, full planning permission is needed.
▪ There are power schemes and other proposed developments involving estuaries.
▪ Record of regional meeting. 3 Reply to chairman re the proposed development at Woodhall Mains Farm.
▪ The requirement for disclosure of information in the proposed Directive is aimed at protecting the interests of shareholders of the target company.
▪ The proposed Directive will not apply to bids for non-EC companies.
▪ The proposed Directive will provide this protection.
▪ So what alternatives are there to the proposed extension of the law?
▪ He also casts his eye over the proposed law changes.
▪ After his speech came a reading of the text of the proposed law.
▪ The details have already been completed, but the proposed law has not yet been presented to parliament.
▪ I am afraid that the proposed law changes could fundamentally alter the game.
▪ The proposed legislation appeared to mark a stronger move towards direct state regulation of sexuality.
▪ At that stage the United Kingdom could decide whether it was in favour of the proposed legislation.
▪ The proposed legislation undermines the principles of the 1951 Geneva convention.
▪ Consultation on the Green Paper will continue until November, and should be followed by the drafting of proposed legislation.
▪ Such a conference would, among other things, debate the proposed legislation, and draw up a timetable for elections.
▪ The Parliament will have as many as four opportunities to review proposed legislation before it is adopted.
▪ The proposed legislation also failed to commit the authorities to a definite programme of school-building and put forward an extremely unambitious curriculum.
▪ The Community legislation and proposed legislation to create an environment for equal access is considered later in this chapter.
▪ The proposed merger called into question Britain's civil aviation policy of the previous twenty years.
▪ At present the Monopolies and Mergers Commission is charged with determining whether a proposed merger is contrary to the public interest.
▪ The company said the proposed merger should be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission.
▪ What would happen if, as a result of the proposed reforms, the Catholic H.E.
▪ Any proposed reform of any western healthcare system should take as its starting point the efficacy of health-care purchase.
▪ The proposed reforms in the delivery of social security benefits to customers is a case in point.
▪ The official media carried no details of the demonstrations, but made announcements about proposed reforms in the electoral code.
▪ These estimates will be used to simulate the labour supply and income of the proposed reforms.
▪ The prefects of the overseas departments were instructed to negotiate the proposed reforms with local civil service unions and political parties.
▪ The Minister's proposed reform of initial teacher education places all of this, and more, in jeopardy.
▪ The primary purpose of the proposed research will be to acquire detailed knowledge about how the new Act will operate.
▪ The proposed research will involve the study of the processing of speech, in order to capture psycholinguistic data.
▪ The inter-relationships between the flows will be at the centre of the proposed research.
▪ When the proposed research has received some external funding however administrative fees are imposed.
▪ The proposed research has three main parts.
▪ Campaigners along the 50-mile proposed route also fear the 400,000-volt cable could endanger health, spoil the landscape and devalue property.
▪ Mr Graham and Mr Lindsay would visit sites along all the proposed routes before the inquiry started.
▪ But one councillor who's advising the Department of Transport on the proposed route denies that.
▪ I drove round the proposed route on 17 September to check suitability for a coach.
▪ The Hammonds, intent on fraud, certainly would not have explained the proposed sale transaction to Mrs. Steed.
▪ Nothing came of the proposed sale.
▪ We have been in touch with it about the proposed sale of the site and will continue to be.
▪ Many of them appear to have been angered and disappointed at the church's suppression of the proposed scheme.
▪ On the other hand, the proposed scheme is going to be extremely costly, both in terms of money and teachers' time.
▪ But in practice it was difficult to acquire sufficiently large sites for the proposed schemes.
▪ The proposed scheme would offer facilities for this.
▪ So far, though, proposed schemes would retain the building very much intact.
▪ The proposed scheme would give fixed targets for improving the quality of individual stretches of water by specified dates.
▪ If the proposed scheme is to succeed, we must have that InterCity link.
▪ People living on the proposed site say their future is now more uncertain than ever.
▪ The proposed site is reported to contain around 3.5 million tons of talc.
▪ Hence the row over the proposed site at Tetsworth.
▪ He bathed again and the stoma care nurse then marked the proposed site for the stoma on his skin.
▪ The second stage is the evaluation of your proposed solution.
▪ It is the proposed solutions that are simplistic.
▪ On the third day tenant reps on each team gave a full presentation of their team's proposed solution.
▪ The proposed solution will be evaluated, in accordance with the system evaluation criteria, by the Project Manager.
▪ But the intellectual foundation of his proposed solution was diametrically opposed to that of his predecessor.
▪ Firstly, there is the cost of the increased staff required just to work the proposed system.
▪ One can not over-emphasise the need to remove any disciplinary flavour from the proposed system.
▪ The proposed system is designed to meet these requirements, and will be altered in line with future developments.
▪ I shall now deal with how that proposed system is being challenged.
▪ The strategy for integrating the acquired business after the proposed transaction.
▪ The proposed regulations would take effect next year.
▪ A proposed right is a claim which the proposer would like the society to enforce.
▪ Also, there are clear benefits from bringing proposed actions together in a formal strategic analysis and long-term financial plan.
▪ On the other hand, the proposed scheme is going to be extremely costly, both in terms of money and teachers' time.
▪ The proposed legislation appeared to mark a stronger move towards direct state regulation of sexuality.
▪ The primary purpose of the proposed research will be to acquire detailed knowledge about how the new Act will operate.
▪ They fear the proposed withdrawal from 17 May of some stops by ScotRail and InterCity will cause further deterioration in the service.