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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ This continuum stretches from full repetition at one end of the scale to pronominal reference at the other.
▪ In these cases, pronominal reference is naturally plural, as with they, them, these, and so on.
▪ This line of reasoning is intended to provide a means for felicitous plural and singular pronominal reference under appropriate circumstances.
▪ In these cases, pronominal reference is naturally plural, as with they, them, these, and so on.
▪ Lyons suggests that this x retains a pronominal element, as well as containing an adverbial element similar to here.
▪ The pronominal function of gender reflects a genuine, non-arbitrary distinction between male and female.
▪ The following text illustrates the kind of problem that the pronominal function of gender can pose in translation.
▪ This continuum stretches from full repetition at one end of the scale to pronominal reference at the other.
▪ This line of reasoning is intended to provide a means for felicitous plural and singular pronominal reference under appropriate circumstances.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pronominal \Pro*nom"i*nal\, a. [L. pronominalis: cf. F. pronominal. See Pronoun.] Belonging to, or partaking of the nature of, a pronoun.


a. Of, pertaining to, resembling, or functioning as a pronoun. n. A phrase that acts as a pronoun.


adj. relating to pronouns; "pronominal reference"


Usage examples of "pronominal".

English pronominal system, and certain other languages dispense with them.

Quenya pronominal system, as Tolkien envisioned it in his later years, makes some distinctions that are not regularly expressed in English.

It would seem that in the second half of the fifties, Tolkien had been rethinking the pronominal system.

Here we will concentrate on the simplest independent pronominal elements.

There also exist certain other pronouns that likewise appear as separate words, though they are closely related to the corresponding pronominal endings.

No inflectional endings are included in the Quenya-English list, but pronominal endings are included in the English-Quenya list below.

When a nominative immediately follows the verb, the pronominal suffix is generally dropped, unless required by euphony.

The nature of the double has long been misapprehended by Egyptologists, who had even made its name into a kind of pronominal form.

PRONOUNS In addition to the possessive noun suffixes and the pronominal suffixes for verbs, there are nine pronouns which are individual words.

I have chosen to use the natural and obvious pronouns for male and female, and to represent the intermediates - or apices - with whatever pronominal term best indicates their place in their society, relative to the existing sexual power-balance of yours.

Here, there, and where, joined with certain particles, have a relative and pronominal use.

I have chosen to use the natural and obvious pronouns for male and female, and to represent the intermediates - or apices - with whatever pronominal term best indicates their place in their society, relative to the existing sexual power-balance of yours.

No inflectional endings are included in the Quenya-English list, but pronominal endings are included in the English-Quenya list below.

English pronominal system, and certain other languages dispense with them.

There also exist certain other pronouns that likewise appear as separate words, though they are closely related to the corresponding pronominal endings.