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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Pronation \Pro*na"tion\, n. [Cf. F. pronation.] (Physiol.)

  1. The act of turning the palm or palmar surface of the forefoot downward.

  2. That motion of the forearm whereby the palm or palmar, surface is turned downward.

  3. The position of the limb resulting from the act of pronation. Opposed to supination.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1660s, from French pronation, from Medieval Latin pronationem (nominative pronatio), noun of action from past participle stem of Late Latin pronare (see pronate).


n. 1 (context fencing English) The position of the sword hand when the palm is facing down 2 Walking on the inner edge of the foot. 3 (context anatomy English) The action of rotate the forearm so that the palm of the hand is turned down or back.


n. rotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face downward [ant: supination]

Usage examples of "pronation".

In order to prevent this pronation and supination the part of the fore-arm bone, the radius, next to the elbow, is not rounded, but forms part of a hinge joint.

When you take off from snow or ice, a pronation occurs in the ankle joint.