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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Promptitude \Prompt"i*tude\, n. [F., fr. L. promptitudo. See Prompt, a.] The quality of being prompt; quickness of decision and action when occasion demands; alacrity; as, promptitude in obedience.

Men of action, of promptitude, and of courage.
--I. Taylor.


n. The quality of being prompt; alacrity.


n. the characteristic of doing things without delay [syn: promptness]

Usage examples of "promptitude".

Power of attention, power of industry, promptitude in beginning work, method and accuracy and despatch in doing it, perseverance, courage before difficulties, cheer, self-control and self-denial, they are worth more than Latin and Greek and French and German and music and art and painting and waxflowers and travels in Europe added together.

I would, however, at this early state of our work, strongly urge, nay entreat, the friends not to dissipate their efforts, but to seek, after frank, mature and continuous deliberation, to arrive at a common conclusion as to the most urgent requirements and needs of the hour, and having unified their views to strive to uphold and enforce them with promptitude, wholeheartedness and understanding.

It is a matter for congratulation that the plot, from beginning to end, has been thus successfully unearthed, and it is felt on all sides that great credit is due to Inspector Gunning and his skilled coadjutors for the vigilance and promptitude they have displayed throughout the affair.

I did not want to lose my linen nor three fine suits of clothes which my tailor was keeping for me, and yet I had need of the greatest promptitude.

He, too, soonlearned Peter's excellent traits of character, and gave himemployment whenever he had pianos to move, or any work to bedone which required carefulness and promptitude.

All the pilgrims and the manager were then congregated on the awning deck about the pilot house, chattering at each other like a flock of excited magpies, and there was a scandalized murmur at my heartless promptitude.

The Yorkshireman had evidently more promptitude, as well as more sagacity, than Muscari had given him credit for.

Landing at the Ragged Staff a little before noon he sent his barge back to the Surprise, with very unnecessarily repeated instructions to his coxswain about the rig, the cleanliness and the promptitude of those hands who were to assist at the dinner.