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promotional material

n. a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution [syn: promotion, publicity, packaging]

Usage examples of "promotional material".

In much of the English language promotional material that has emerged from Japan over the last decade, character names have not been transliterated into English in a unified fashion.

Some of the distortiotus are very subtle, others are blatant bits of promotional material inserted to support the Apostolic Succession and things like the story of Judas are a travesty of tlue truth.

So instead, I'll just plead my ignorance and crib from the promotional material that accompanied the book to let you know that Dickinson is a Chicago-area journalist and has had at least one previous novel, The Widow's Adventures.

The metadata include everything from the author's name through the book's title, edition, blurbs, sample chapters, other promotional material, links to related products, a rights and permissions profile, e-mail contacts, and active links to retailers' web pages.

Great-aunt Agatha had been widely advertised by Sylva Commensals in their promotional material.

It's perfect, and can't you just imagine the great TV ads and promotional material?

I write promotional material for my company and my non-fiction articles are published in Klixxx Magazine and AVN Online magazine.