Crossword clues for promoters
n. (plural of promoter English)
Usage examples of "promoters".
These are the same promises heard when basketball promoters lobbied for the building of the Miami Arena, which has not exactly revitalized the downtown area.
And, indeed, the gentlemen, like the promoters of the enterprise in London, were probably more solicitous of discovering a passage to the South Sea, as the way to increase riches, than of making a state.
The reason given for excision is that the promoters of the Virginia scheme were anxious that nothing should appear to discourage capitalists, or to deter emigrants, and that this story of the hostility and cruelty of Powhatan, only averted by the tender mercy of his daughter, would have an unfortunate effect.
London promoters, and the condition of the colony, that we copy it entire.
In Virginia, although the London promoters desired a colony to be fixed that would be profitable to themselves, and many of the adventurers, Captain Smith among them, desired a permanent planting, a great majority of those who went thither had only in mind the advantages of trade, the excitement of a free and licentious life, and the adventure of something new and startling.
The South Sea was not discovered, no gold had turned up, there were no valuable products from the new land, and the promoters received no profits on their ventures.
The promoters have predicted 100,000 visitors would flock to watch the ponies run on the beach between Fifth and 11th streets.
We should be delighted that our tourism promoters finally are taking a responsible approach.
Nothing prevented promoters from buying their own tract and putting up a first-class facility wherever they wanted.
Heavily subsidized by tax dollars, both events supposedly still bleed red ink, and each year the promoters come begging for more public money.