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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prolong \Pro*long"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Prolonged; p. pr. & vb. n. Prolonging.] [F. prolonger, L. prolongare; pro before, forth + longus long. See Long, a., and cf. Prolongate, Purloin. ]

  1. To extend in space or length; as, to prolong a line.

  2. To lengthen in time; to extend the duration of; to draw out; to continue; as, to prolong one's days.

    Prolong awhile the traitor's life.

    The unhappy queen with talk prolonged the night.

  3. To put off to a distant time; to postpone.


n. prolongation vb. (present participle of prolong English)

Usage examples of "prolonging".

The Western Culture is suffering from disease, and the prolongation of this disease is the prolonging of Chinese conditions in Europe.

One must never forget that these same people are the ones who write and read, in their book and magazine press, a literature on indefinitely prolonging the lifespan of the human species.

Convulsive sobs again interrupted his words, and they wept together in silence, till Emily, recollecting the danger of being discovered, and the impropriety of prolonging an interview, which might subject her to censure, summoned all her fortitude to utter a last farewell.

This employment has been from time to time my chief consolation, and I have deferred sending off my packet, merely for the comfort of prolonging it, though it was certain, that what I had written, was written to no purpose till you received it.

But you will excuse me for reminding you of the danger you incur by prolonging this interview.

And he assured me with so much impressiveness that he would countermand the later letters, which would be held over at Bistritz until due time in case chance would admit of my prolonging my stay, that to oppose him would have been to create new suspicion.

Failure meant not only needless sacrifices through prolonging in Burma operations ravaged by disease but the setback of our whole further deployment against the Malay peninsula and beyond until 1946.

What therefore we have to balance is the limited advantage of prolonging Coalition on an uneasy basis until October against risk of election at an even more dangerous period in international affairs than now and increased chances of a Socialist victory in October.

But since interstellar space offers almost no resistance to a traveling body, and therefore momentum is not lost, it was possible for the voyaging world, by prolonging the original rocket-impulsion for many years, to increase its speed far beyond that of the fastest star.

For prolonging the defense he was to be bitterly condemned and never forgiven by many Chinese.

Allied east flank by the Japanese drive on Lashio ended any hope of prolonging the campaign.

ICHIGO and the Chinese military passivity in the face of it raised the fear that the Japanese army in China might root itself into the mainland and continue to fight even after defeat of the home islands, prolonging the war perhaps for years before it could be conquered.

Denounced by the Communists as a useless prolonging of the civil war, this aid was used to generate a wave of anti-American feeling in the weary populace.

The beleaguered Berbers, suffering invasion and blockade, had no advantage in prolonging war on their own soil.

Further, anyone who did not actively aid in ending the schism was morally guilty of prolonging it.