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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a constitution forbids/prohibits sth
▪ Colombia's constitution forbids extradition.
a law prohibits sth (=says that it is not allowed)
▪ The law prohibits possession of these animals.
an act prohibits sth
▪ Section 47 of the Act prohibits the making of misleading statements to the police.
an illegal/banned/prohibited substance (=used mainly to refer to illegal drugs)
▪ Any player found guilty of using banned substances faces the prospect of a lengthy suspension.
the rule prohibits/forbids sth
▪ The rule forbids women from becoming members of the club.
▪ They may also prohibit certain activities, such as the carrying of banners or the chanting of particular slogans.
▪ The judge also prohibited the Motor Vehicle Administration from recalling the specialty tags.
▪ The law also prohibited the use of the symbols, names or slogans of these parties by any new organizations.
▪ The ground rules also prohibit reporting information regarding future military plans.
▪ The ban also prohibits any other far right or counter demonstrations in the city until October 31.
▪ It may also be noted that the Local Government Act 1986 specifically prohibits any council from spending money for party political purposes.
▪ Only Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas specifically prohibit collective bargaining for public school employees.
▪ A licence agreement may specifically prohibit error correction so that all this provision does is to raise a presumption in favour of the lawful user.
▪ But while the Act does not specifically prohibit a constitution on those lines, it clearly does not contemplate it.
▪ It may also be noted that the Local Government Act 1986 specifically prohibits any council from spending money for party political purposes.
▪ The Hatch Act prohibits political activity by federal employees during work hours using government facilities.
▪ The Unfair Contract Terms Act does not totally prohibit the seller from exempting himself from liability for breach of these other terms.
▪ The Butler Act prohibited the teaching of any theory that denies the story of creation as related in the Bible.
▪ But while the Act does not specifically prohibit a constitution on those lines, it clearly does not contemplate it.
▪ In unmistakable terms the Act prohibits the exclusion of-individuals from federally funded programs because of their race.
▪ The lawyer may have been notified, but the Act does not prohibit questioning before arrival.
▪ The Act prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or nationality.
▪ The Hatch Act prohibits political activity by federal employees during work hours using government facilities.
▪ They may also prohibit certain activities, such as the carrying of banners or the chanting of particular slogans.
▪ The Bill sought to prohibit employment discrimination against qualified disabled persons on the ground of their disability.
▪ Vanreenen relinquished his membership and served as secretary for six years; the Honorable Company prohibits members from working for the club.
▪ Merrill Lynch officials said company policy prohibits them from discussing Reynolds' account.
▪ A 1989 attempt to limit damages had failed to prove that they were against that part of the Constitution prohibiting excessive fines.
▪ The constitution prohibits him from staying another, so he is casting about for ways to hold on to power.
▪ The Bill sought to prohibit employment discrimination against qualified disabled persons on the ground of their disability.
▪ Boxer said she might support the marriage bill if it is amended to prohibit job discrimination against gays and lesbians.
▪ The Act prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or nationality.
▪ He has revised regulations to prohibit discrimination against gays serving in federal government.
▪ As a result of increased public interest, more than a dozen states have passed laws that prohibit insurers from genetic discrimination.
▪ California law prohibits housing discrimination based on marital status.
▪ Recent federal laws prohibiting discrimination based upon a handicap or other health related conditions have been helpful.
▪ Laws prohibit political fund-raising on government property, which is the focus of some of the questions surrounding White House fund-raising practices.
▪ School officials can ask the courts to issue an injunction to prohibit the strike.
▪ A judge this week granted Nogales-Talley a preliminary injunction, prohibiting the district from demoting her to classroom teacher.
▪ The injunction prohibits Jeff Sposito from soliciting any Coldwell Banker sales agents.
▪ The group is asking to get it declared invalid, with an injunction prohibiting Sedona from enforcing it.
▪ Public and administrative law Law can prohibit or regulate activities: The citizen can obey or break the law.
▪ Federal law prohibits the broadcast from being recorded.
▪ The law also prohibited the use of the symbols, names or slogans of these parties by any new organizations.
▪ It was his job as district attorney to enforce a state law prohibiting abortion except to save a woman's life.
▪ In 1972 the Government of Sind Province declared the river dolphin protected by law and prohibited its killing and trapping.
▪ Those who reside or work where zoning laws prohibit public nuisances need not apply.
▪ They are subject to the general legislation prohibiting anti-competitive and restrictive practices unless these are judged to be in the public interest.
▪ John Glenn, D-Ohio, intends to introduce legislation that would prohibit ships from discharging organism-laced ballast water in estuaries.
▪ Programmes of a racist nature, in keeping with existing legislation, are prohibited.
▪ New Zealand legislation prohibiting nuclear-powered or nuclear-armed ships from its territorial waters had been first enforced in February 1985.
▪ Northern states did not enact legislation prohibiting discussion of slavery, but mob violence often awaited antislavery spokesmen.
▪ No legislation prohibits it, except in certain circumstances.
▪ The proviso states that the Covenant does not require any legislation or other action prohibited by the Constitution.
▪ My partner will prohibit any member of the medical or anaesthetic staff from crossing the threshold.
▪ When discussing a contract at an open meeting, can a school board prohibit nonunion members from speaking?
▪ Vanreenen relinquished his membership and served as secretary for six years; the Honorable Company prohibits members from working for the club.
▪ Federal ethics laws prohibit former members from returning to lobby their colleagues for a year.
▪ Decree 507, the new Public Order Law, prohibited all collective bargaining and strike action.
▪ Afterward, the plaintiffs asked for a court order prohibiting Lawrence from verbally abusing them.
▪ Paragraph 33 of the order prohibited the use of the material so disclosed in the prosecution of either defendant.
▪ A San Francisco Superior Court judge issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting the sale or storage of marijuana at the club.
▪ The university had a policy that prohibited indoor demonstrations.
▪ According to Bach, Stanford wrote back that its policy prohibited Down patients from getting transplants.
▪ City policy prohibits the couple from working under the same direct supervisor.
▪ Two recent federal cases upheld school policies that prohibited distribution in the hallways.
▪ Merrill Lynch officials said company policy prohibits them from discussing Reynolds' account.
▪ Fidelity yesterday announced a new policy prohibiting its managers from discussing specific companies with the media.
▪ Can a school board adopt a policy prohibiting dancing at school?
▪ If the Minister accepts the report he then has the power to prohibit a contrary merger from taking place.
▪ It would not be argued to-day that the power to regulate does not include the power to prohibit.
▪ Even then, there is no power to prohibit reporting of proceedings.
▪ Also, regulation may prohibit the addition of some nutrients to groundwater - eg nitrate.
▪ He has revised regulations to prohibit discrimination against gays serving in federal government.
▪ Army regulations prohibit public displays of affection by soldiers, and private hideaways are hard to come by.
▪ One such regulation prohibited a body of troops on the march from occupying the whole street.
▪ Federal regulations prohibit children under the age of 16 from holding pilot licenses or flying solo.
▪ Some of these rules prohibit the misuse of inside information.
▪ Few laws require cost-benefit analysis for new rules and many actively prohibit it.
▪ Legal representation was not viewed as necessary, but rules prohibiting legal representation were considered undesirable.
▪ House Republican Conference rules prohibit a censured lawmaker from being a committee chairman or holding a leadership post.
▪ A number of the Take-over Panel rules prohibit trading on the basis of inside information.
▪ Those rules prohibit soldiers from doing much more than defending themselves if attacked.
▪ And rules prohibiting the commercial use of some products that the plant was designed to produce have not been rescinded.
▪ Thus the Hague rules prohibited the bombardment of undefended towns and villages.
▪ West Hollywood became the first city to prohibit sale of the guns in December.
▪ A San Francisco Superior Court judge issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting the sale or storage of marijuana at the club.
▪ When discussing a contract at an open meeting, can a school board prohibit nonunion members from speaking?
▪ Can a school board require or prohibit the use of textbooks?
▪ Can schools prohibit the distribution of material not written by a student or school employee?
▪ Two recent federal cases upheld school policies that prohibited distribution in the hallways.
▪ The school argued that prohibiting the distribution of the Bible violated the Gideons' right of free speech.
▪ Can schools prohibit the distribution of anonymous articles?
▪ Can schools prohibit students from belonging to fraternities, sororities, and other undemocratic organizations?
▪ The charge was dismissed on the ground that Michigan state law did not prohibit assisting some one to commit suicide.
▪ It was his job as district attorney to enforce a state law prohibiting abortion except to save a woman's life.
▪ Propaganda and demonstrations against the integrity of the state were prohibited.
▪ The odds are hypothetical, however, because state law prohibits wagers on events in which the outcome is known beforehand.
▪ Banks, they say, also should be forced to pay damages for previously collecting those fees in states that prohibit them.
▪ Finally, some states prohibit superintendents from participation in a bargaining unit with teachers.
▪ Does the Keyishian case automatically void similar state laws prohibiting membership in subversive organizations?
▪ By the turn of the century virtually every State had a law prohibiting or restricting abortion on its books.
▪ The statute confines itself to prohibiting the carriage of certain goods in interstate or foreign commerce.
▪ Some statutes prohibit supervisors from participation in the same unit they supervise; other states are silent on this issue.
▪ Some states, however, expressly prohibit teachers from investigation, requiring them to report suspected abuse.
▪ The law also prohibited the use of the symbols, names or slogans of these parties by any new organizations.
▪ Can a school board require or prohibit the use of textbooks?
▪ New Jersey prohibits the use of all drugs and alcohol before or during a match.
▪ Federal law prohibits the use of tax-exempt funds for political purposes.
▪ And rules prohibiting the commercial use of some products that the plant was designed to produce have not been rescinded.
▪ Y., this week introduced a resolution to prohibit the use of federal funds for educational programs based on its use.
▪ Out on the stairs a piece of paper as worthless as Chamberlain's prohibited the use of body oils.
▪ Cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment Article 7 prohibits the use of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
▪ As a result of increased public interest, more than a dozen states have passed laws that prohibit insurers from genetic discrimination.
▪ His poor eyesight prohibited him from becoming a pilot.
▪ International Law prohibits the use of chemical weapons.
▪ Mexican law prohibits the clergy from teaching in universities and schools.
▪ Selling alcohol to people under 21 is prohibited.
▪ The U.S. prohibited all flights to the country while the war was in progress.
▪ Can an underground newspaper be prohibited from criticizing school policies?
▪ Certain religions may prohibit particular types of food, alcoholic drink or restrict dress.
▪ Fidelity yesterday announced a new policy prohibiting its managers from discussing specific companies with the media.
▪ However, this ideal is prohibited by the urbanisation of our environment.
▪ In 1972 the Government of Sind Province declared the river dolphin protected by law and prohibited its killing and trapping.
▪ Its purpose is to secure religious liberty in the individual by prohibiting any invasions thereof by civil authority.
▪ Tabai, who had been President since independence, was constitutionally prohibited for serving a further term in office.
▪ Vanreenen relinquished his membership and served as secretary for six years; the Honorable Company prohibits members from working for the club.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prohibit \Pro*hib"it\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Prohibited; p. pr. & vb. n. Prohibiting.] [L. prohibitus, p. p. of prohibere to prohibit; pro before, forth + habere to have, hold. See Habit.]

  1. To forbid by authority; to interdict; as, God prohibited Adam from eating of the fruit of a certain tree; we prohibit a person from doing a thing, and also the doing of the thing; as, the law prohibits men from stealing, or it prohibits stealing.

    Note: Prohibit was formerly followed by to with the infinitive, but is now commonly followed by from with the verbal noun in -ing.

  2. To hinder; to debar; to prevent; to preclude.

    Gates of burning adamant, Barred over us, prohibit all egress.

    Syn: To forbid; interdict; debar; prevent; hinder.

    Usage: Prohibit, Forbid. To forbid is Anglo-Saxon, and is more familiar; to prohibit is Latin, and is more formal or official. A parent forbids his child to be out late at night; he prohibits his intercourse with the profane and vicious.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Latin prohibitus, past participle of prohibere "to hold back, restrain" (see prohibition). Related: Prohibited; prohibiting.


vb. (context transitive English) To forbid, disallow, or proscribe officially; to make illegal or illicit.


v. command against; "I forbid you to call me late at night"; "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store" [syn: forbid, interdict, proscribe, veto, disallow] [ant: permit, permit]

Usage examples of "prohibit".

Petitions having been presented by the cities of Bristol and New-Sarum, alleging, that since the laws prohibiting the making of low wines and spirits from grain, meal, and flour, had been in force, the commonalty appeared more sober, healthy, and industrious: representing the ill consequences which they apprehended would attend the repeal of these laws, and therefore praying their continuance.

Planting new male mulberry trees is prohibited by law because their pollen is a powerful allergen, and Tucson gains profit and riches as a refuge for allergy sufferers and hypochondriacs.

His timid ingratitude was published to his subjects, in an edict which prohibited the senators from exercising any military employment, and even from approaching the camps of the legions.

According to the ancient Analects, which guided the practitioners of Confucianism, ginger was such an important food that Confucius approved of its use even during periods of fasting or sacrificial worship, when the consumption of all other pungent or malodorous foods was prohibited.

The commons, after having voted an address of thanks, brought in a bill for prohibiting the exportation of corn and provisions, for a limited time, out of Great Britain, Ireland, and the American plantations.

In order still more to reduce the high price of corn, and to prevent any supply of provisions from being sent to our enemies in America, a third bill was brought in, prohibiting, for a time therein limited, the exportation of corn, grain, meal, malt, flour, bread, biscuit, starch, beef, pork, bacon, or other victual, from any of the British plantations, unless to Great Britain or Ireland, or from one colony to another.

Prussians, not being strong enough to defend the town, the soldiers mutinied against their officers, whereupon a capitulation was agreed on, and the gates were opened to the French commander, who made his troops enter with a great deal of order, assured the magistrates that care should be taken to make them observe a good discipline, and published two ordinances, one for the security of the religion and commerce of the city, and the other for prohibiting the exportation of corn and forage out of that principality.

After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.

It is like strabismus, chloroform, lithotrity, a heap of monstrosities that the Government ought to prohibit.

It has been contended, and apparently with much reason, that if the use of substitutes were prohibited this would not lead to an increased use of domestic barley, inasmuch as the supply of home barley suitable for malting purposes is of a limited nature.

They were murdered, by off-world individuals trading with the Medusan natives in prohibited drugs.

Having been adjudged guilty, he was deposed from his office as Bishop of Natal, and thenceforth prohibited from the exercise of all ministerial functions within any part of the metropolitical province of Cape Town.

The Treasury Department prohibited the Mint from monetizing, or legitimatizing, any gold coins from that point on.

He was enforcing, in cooperation with Captain Moorman of the state police, a temporary ordinance prohibiting more than four people at a time from gathering on the streets of Chadbury from sunset to sunrise.

Specifically, the Court in the Senn Case gave its approval to the application of a Wisconsin statute which authorized the giving of publicity to labor disputes, declared peaceful picketing and patrolling lawful, and prohibited the granting of injunctions against such conduct to a controversy in which the matter at issue was the refusal of a tiling contractor employing nonunion workmen to sign a closed shop agreement unless a provision requiring him to abstain from working in his business as a tile layer or helper should be eliminated.