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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Progressive muscular atrophy

Progressive \Pro*gress"ive\, a. [Cf. F. progressif.]

  1. Moving forward; proceeding onward; advancing; evincing progress; increasing; as, progressive motion or course; -- opposed to retrograde.

  2. Improving; as, art is in a progressive state.

  3. (U. S. History) Of or pertaining to the Progressive party.

  4. Favoring improvement, change, progress, or reform, especially in a political context; -- used of people. Contrasted with conservative.

    Note: The term progressive is sometimes used to describe the views of a politician, where liberal might have been used at one time, in communities where the term liberal has come to connote extreme views.

  5. Disposed toward adopting new methods in government or education, holding tolerant and liberal ideas, and generally favoring improvement in civic life; -- of towns and communities.

    Progressive euchre or Progressive whist, a way of playing at card parties, by which after every game, the losers at the first table go to the last table, and the winners at all the tables, except the first, move up to the next table.

    Progressive muscular atrophy (Med.), a nervous disorder characterized by continuous atrophy of the muscles. [1913 Webster] -- Pro*gress"ive*ly, adv. -- Pro*gress"ive*ness, n.

Progressive muscular atrophy

Progressive muscular atrophy (PMA), also known as Duchenne-Aran muscular atrophy and by various other names, is a rare subtype of motor neuron disease (MND) that affects only the lower motor neurons. PMA is thought to account for around 4% of all MND cases. This is in contrast to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the most common form of MND, which affects both the upper and lower motor neurones, or primary lateral sclerosis, another rare MND variant, which affects only the upper motor neurons. The distinction is important because PMA is associated with a better prognosis than classic ALS.