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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Profligacy \Prof"li*ga*cy\, n. [See Profligate, a.] The quality of state of being profligate; a profligate or very vicious course of life; a state of being abandoned in moral principle and in vice; dissoluteness.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1670s, from profligate + -cy.


n. (context countable English) Careless wastefulness.

  1. n. the trait of spending extravagantly [syn: extravagance, prodigality]

  2. dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure [syn: dissipation, dissolution, licentiousness]

Usage examples of "profligacy".

Develop secretiveness and selfishness, and they become cunning and profligacy, desperation and crime.

Such profligacy was unlike Stivers, she thought with faint puzzlement as, treading warily, she began to ascend the steps.

Our literature, before long, will be like some of those premature and aspiring whipsters, who become old men before they are young ones, and fancy they prove their manhood by their profligacy and their diseases.

The pretended phallic worship of the Natchez and of Culhuacan, cited by the Abbe Brasseur, rests on no good authority, and if true, is like that of the Huastecas of Panuco, nothing but an unrestrained and boundless profligacy which it were an absurdity to call a religion.

Since the days when I had known her at Pasean, nineteen years of misery, profligacy, and shame had made her the most debased, the vilest creature that can be imagined.

A girl of her age who does not blush at the mention of marriage is either an idiot or already an expert in profligacy.

In spite of all, profligacy is rampant at Madrid, and also the most dreadful hypocrisy, which is more offensive to true piety than open sin.

I did not hesitate for a moment, and it was not from any impulses of love or profligacy that I went, but from pure compassion.

He may have dreaded, likewise, lest they should give way to that same luxury and profligacy in which the Israelites indulged - and especially lest they should be demoralized by that drunkenness of which the prophets speak, as one of the crying sins of that age.

Our literature, before long, will be like some of those premature and aspiring whipsters, who become old men before they are young ones, and fancy they prove their manhood by their profligacy and their diseases.

The eldest son was only fourteen, and was a young fellow of charming manners, but evidently extremely independent, and sighed for the time when he would be able to devote himself to a career of profligacy for which he was well fitted.

Years, I dare say, and a hard life and profligacy, and command, had not made him less selfish or more humane, or abated his craft and resolution.

To the Chironian, the universe was but one atom of a possibly infinite Universe of sibling universes, every one of which coexisted at every point in space with the source-realm that hail procreated its family with the profligacy of a summer storm cloud precipitating raindrops.

Dixon rides into Town, a Maze-like Disposition of split-rail Fences, a Dockyard's worth of Ship-lap Siding, a quiet Profligacy of Flemish Bond to be found upon vertical Surfaces from Pig-Ark to Palace.

The decemvirs were openly charged with the murder of Siccius, the profligacy of Appius, and the disgrace incurred in the field.