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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Government will never be a profit-making enterprise.
▪ And still government will not be a profit-making enterprise.
▪ Convene an instant training workshop aimed at brainstorming out ten profit-making opportunities.
▪ Despite the profit-making prospects in this it has been treated with utter contempt on the grounds that charity begins at home.
▪ I believe that if an act wants to run a fan club, it should be a service rather than a profit-making enterprise.
▪ The profit-making Institute for Advanced Technology in Minneapolis makes a similar pitch.
▪ The city is an active partner in many profit-making enterprises.
▪ The spanner in these works is the fact that government is not a profit-making enterprise.

Usage examples of "profit-making".

You must not risk your neck in space flight until you have this thing on a profit-making basis, so that any competent manager, such as George or myself, thereafter can keep it solvent.

Prior to that, the fee for subscribing to the news network was far more than he could afford, given his limited profit-making opportunities as a Starfleet officer.

Owners of a public dance hall in Minneapolis, the Saxes took notice when a new White Castle was built nearby and soon realized its profit-making potential.