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professional class

n. 1 A social and economic demographic, commonly identified as part of the upper middle class. 2 ''(plural)'' the groups in society composed of highly educated professionals.

Usage examples of "professional class".

Its lifestyle in that era characterized the Dublin professional class: merchants, bankers, ex-army and -navy officers and others of the well-to-do, who flocked to live in its handsome terraces by the sea, yet within easy rail distance of the city.

The great majority of the professional class had no scruples as to the methods by which they made their gain.

And these in turn call into being a professional class of doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, etc.

As the CURTAIN rises, Galileo, dressed in the traditional manner of the medieval Italian professional class, is sitting in the top gallery of the tower, eating his lunch.

I, for example, am from the professional class and would not be anything else.

In the cities, there is a large, affluent, professional class that has already rejected the sweet, heavy, feminine, Oriental scents that the hippies ushered into favor in the sixties, as well as the clean, wholesome, fruity and herbal scents associated with the backpacker chic of the seventies.

They live for war, keeping a professional class in the field at all times, supported by the rest of their people.

The parents (all of whom, untypically for their professional class, seem to have objected to boarding schools) devoted long hours to their offspring, even to the extent of sacrificing their own social lives.

Any man, married or single, could take a concubine, but the coolies were permitted to maintain only one, the artisans and petty officials two, the professional class and members of the Seven Families three, and the Mandarins themselves four.

They had good strong tunes, played well and sung with professional class, but none of that mattered.

I've worked for thirty years to have telepaths accepted as just another professional class, no different than doctors or pilots.

My kind of people, that is, Mama Jibia's kind of people, the non-Fastigat professional class, consider Fastigat men unsuitable for women who are serious-minded.

Naturally we don't agree with them, but there are people who don't classify our detecting ability in quite the professional class.