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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Prodigy \Prod"i*gy\, n.; pl. Prodigies. [ L. prodigium; pro before + (perh.) a word appearing in adagium adage: cf. F. prodige. Cf. Adage. ]

  1. Something extraordinary, or out of the usual course of nature, from which omens are drawn; a portent; as, eclipses and meteors were anciently deemed prodigies.

    So many terrors, voices, prodigies, May warn thee, as a sure foregoing sign.

  2. Anything so extraordinary as to excite wonder or astonishment; a marvel; as, a prodigy of learning.

  3. A production out of ordinary course of nature; an abnormal development; a monster.
    --B. Jonson.

    Syn: Wonder; miracle; portent; marvel; monster.


n. (plural of prodigy English)