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n. (plural of proconsul English)

Usage examples of "proconsuls".

I had placed this province, so long ill governed by proconsuls, under my personal jurisdiction.

The proconsuls of the senate, particularly those of Asia, Greece, and Africa, enjoyed a more honorable character than the lieutenants of the emperor, who commanded in Gaul or Syria.

To appoint the proconsuls and presidents of the provinces, and to confer on all the magistrates their civil jurisdiction.

Of this 550 pounds were given to each of the consuls and to the proconsuls M.

With regard to the command in Spain it was left to the people to decide upon the two proconsuls who were to be sent into that province and they were unanimous in retaining L.

Cornelius Lentulus and T, Stertinius should have the full powers of proconsuls in Spain.

For the past six months, all sorts of executive instruments are set up and put into operation: The Committee of Public Safety, the Committee of General Security, ambulating proconsuls with full power, local committees authorized to tax and imprison at will, a revolutionary army, a revolutionary tribunal.

Montagnards, the most sanguinary and foul proconsuls, Dartigoyte and Piochefer-Bernard, Darthé, Lebon's secretary, Rossignol the great September massacrer, the presidents of former revolutionary committees, "patriotic robbers, seal-breakers" and garroters, brazenly promenade the streets of Paris.

Some of them, he was sure, would indeed be sent in just the same way as Crassus and the other proconsuls pillaged the eastern provinces for exotic goods and noble hostages.

Men did that—from the merest recruit to proconsuls in their glory—when they were afraid.

Men did that--from the merest recruit to proconsuls in their glory--when they were afraid.

The empire is a good machine that works smooth as long as the proconsuls are sure someone is in charge.

It never occurred to me that the southern proconsuls might expand the borders beyond the maritime city-states.

When this became known in Rome through despatches from the proconsuls, C.

Fonteius, who were in charge of that province as proconsuls, were ordered to remain in Spain with the same authority as before and reinforcements were to be sent to them - 3000 Roman citizens and 200 cavalry, with 5000 infantry and 300 cavalry from the allies.