food processor
word processor
▪ Most reports are produced on a word processor.
▪ The central processor then orders hypotheses, adds, deletes and modifies them.
▪ The old system was located in a single central processor on one floor of a building in earthquake-prone San Francisco.
▪ I've allocated him to Room 403, with instructions for all communications systems to be channelled through the central processor.
▪ This was because these systems employ passive memory inspected by a sequential central processor.
▪ The information may be text, numbers, colours and so on, or information for the computer central processor unit.
▪ Lexical access is not an autonomous process which a central processor can direct towards any part of the utterance.
▪ Korg seem to have done the impossible and produced a totally digital processor with some absolutely authentic guitar sounds.
▪ The outfit comes with six speakers, including a subwoofer, a digital sound processor and a digital remote.
▪ It's certainly made me rethink my approach to digital processors and what I expect from them.
▪ It's the Intellifex 24 bit digital processor, with 80 user memory locations and a total of 99 factory presets.
▪ Acquisition of More Resources Acquisition of a faster processor or larger memory would involve replacement of the mainframe.
▪ Demands for faster processors with larger memory to run newer applications software are increasing.
▪ My feelings have changed over the years as the system acquired first more memory and then bigger and faster processors.
▪ Cheaper memory, faster processors, and larger storage devices, come on to the market with increasing rapidity.
▪ This is Commodore's second-generation Amiga with a faster processor, twice as much internal memory and improved colour and sound capabilities.
▪ The new iterations will feature a higher clock speed processor and two chips per board.
▪ The larger processor fits in the main processor slot the smaller in the coprocessor slot. 6.
▪ This removes a lot of work from the main processor which no longer has to bother with keyboard scanning, buffering, etc.
▪ This has its own 80188 processor on-board, so the cache relieves the main processor of some of the donkey work.
▪ The speed of the main processor still has more effect on spreadsheet applications than the coprocessor.
▪ When the coprocessor has finished its' task it passes the result to the main processor.
▪ All very nice in theory but there are delays in passing information between coprocessor and main processor.
▪ The larger of the two chips fits in the main processor socket, the smaller in the coprocessor socket.
▪ The larger processor fits in the main processor slot the smaller in the coprocessor slot. 6.
▪ A possible exception to this is the main processor.
▪ Bourne says that the rewrite has now achieved linear performance increases across multiple processors running a database.
▪ The compilers will be capable of distributing loop-based code to multiple micro-vector processors as well as running the processors in parallel.
▪ Multiple accumulator sets A way in which process switching may be speeded up is by the provision of multiple processor register Sets.
▪ This consists of in-house seminars on the theory and practice of using multi- and parallel processor machines.
▪ Programmers can access this memory from outside the parallel processor by using memory mapping.
▪ The T9000's built-in communications links enable the internal bandwidth of the parallel processor to expand proportionately to the number of processing nodes.
▪ Surprisingly though, in the normal configuration all of these parallel processors are linked by a standard Ethernet local area network.
▪ Hardware developer C-Cube of California, produced a single chip compression-decompression processor for video.
▪ Computers and the Brain A conventional computer is typically a single processor acting on explicitly programmed instructions.
▪ This might be a fixed length pipeline, or even a single sequential processor.
▪ Theoretical speed limits for a single processor are being approached.
▪ Sieve the cottage cheese, or pur e in a food processor or liquidiser and beat in the egg and milk.
▪ Shred meat by hand or in short bursts in food processor.
▪ Scrape out the flesh with a teaspoon and put into a food processor or blender with the next four ingredients.
▪ Transfer to a blender or food processor and puree until smooth.
▪ Put the mixture into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. 3.
▪ Scoop flesh from potatoes into a food processor.
▪ Place the egg yolks in a food processor or blender and add the mustard and half of the vinegar.
▪ Place the almonds and lemon zest in the bowl of a food processor.
▪ Even in those days, the architects never had to consider the word processor, the microcomputer, the fax machine.
▪ Kids who need a word processor and Net access for school.
▪ She searched the desk for her tiny Nagasyu word processor, finding it under a book.
▪ Independent developers had written dozens of word processors, and even programs for obscure functions like cattle management and tarot card reading.
▪ Shoestring operations include hand and bicycle delivery of membership communications produced on a generous Committee member's word processor.
▪ The subjects studied included how to use word processors, how to access Web sites and how to use e-mail.
▪ You are unlikely to find a word processor on your desk or fully computerised accounts, research and marketing departments.
▪ For some years I have been thinking of buying a word processor but have not yet taken the plunge.
▪ Crush 1 of the garlic cloves, add to processor, and puree mixture until smooth.
▪ Instructions recently added to Intel processors that are claimed to speed up some video and sound functions.
▪ Inmos Transputers are unique because they combine a processor, communications links and memory on a single chip.
▪ Meanwhile, combine vinegars, mustard and pepper in a food processor and blend until combined.
▪ Instead the two modules operate in isolation with the results being combined by a control processor.
▪ Interleaf Publisher provides its own environment which includes a word processor, graphics package and so on.
▪ The compilers will be capable of distributing loop-based code to multiple micro-vector processors as well as running the processors in parallel.
▪ Most personal computers are used to run software like word processors, spreadsheets, data bases and so on.
▪ It now has a fully multi-threaded kernel and can support up to 30 processors.
▪ The new Nintendo system uses a 64-bit processor, while the Saturn and Playstation are 32-bit systems.
▪ They are taught to use word-processors and spreadsheets.
▪ Mrs Mesa and I used word processors.
▪ This consists of in-house seminars on the theory and practice of using multi- and parallel processor machines.
▪ Results can be printed in any form using the word processor.
▪ You can even use a word processor, as long as it will let you save the files as plain text.
▪ The subjects studied included how to use word processors, how to access Web sites and how to use e-mail.
▪ A crossbar network connects the processors at 800Mbytes per second.
▪ Cargill is an international processor and distributor and agricultural and food products.
▪ First, I can't get the word processor, or anything else, to print correctly.
▪ Its processors include 133 -, 150-and 160-megahertz chips.
▪ Place ancho chilies and 1 cup of the cooking liquid in a blender or food processor and puree.
▪ Think of the impact of the revolutionary Cuisinart food processor introduced in this country in 1973 and now a household staple.
▪ Word processor packages can accept drawings, bitmaps, spreadsheet data and so on.