vb. (misspelling of proceed English)
Usage examples of "procede".
Anastasia flew into the fountain and proceded to glide serenely around in it as if she were part of the original decor.
No one else was in sight, but as we proceded toward the airlock, the outlines of the hatch barely perceptible beneath the atsronomical display, three men in black gear stepped out from a doorway farther along the passage.
I proceded to inform Dzhidro of all that had happened during our separation with a special emphasis on the continuum disrupting malfunction of the PRFT.
Les procedes de cet homme m'outragent et me deseparent, je dois penser a me debarrasser.
Representation du Procede tenu a l'instance faicte devant le Roi, par Messieurs de Courtenay, pour la conservation de l'Honneur et Dignite de leur Maison, branche de la royalle Maison de France.
Bob: As this proceded there was a tremendos amount of movement of energy through the body, most specifically in the calves, then in the right dorsal side of the body (felt pronouncedly in the back).